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California Nurse-Midwives Association

SEPT 2019 | Newsletter

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Register for the 2019 Annual CNMA Meeting on October 5th in LA!

Register here!

Cost of Registration:

100.00 for members (Non-members receive the 100.00 rate if you show evidence of joining CNMA when you register. Now is a GOLDEN opportunity to join!!)

145.00 for non-members

75.00 for students

Register for the 2019 Annual CNMA FUNDRAISER in LA!

Register here!

Time & Location

Oct 04, 6:00 PM @Oeno Vino at Atwater Village, 3111 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039, USA

About The Event

Please come to CNMA's annual fundraising event: A Wine and Cheese Social!

Cost $20.00 This fee will provide a drink ticket, an amazing venue, and a raffle and/or silent auction. There will be a wide variety of food and additional drink for purchase.

CNMA will split the proceeds with the LA Chapter of CNMA.

Sign Up for Midwife Airbnb for the LA Annual Meeting!

Join the spreadsheet HERE if you can host or would like to stay locally with a fellow midwife!

My Birth Matters Campaign

New materials available from the My Birth Matters campaign! As you likely know, the goal of My Birth Matters is to help medically low-risk, first-time pregnant women and birthing people have informed and meaningful conversations with their health care providers about C-Sections -- and avoid those that are not absolutely necessary.

We are striving to ensure that as many pregnant women and birthing people as possible have access to the campaign materials -- and for that reason -- we’re asking for your continued partnership with dissemination throughout California.

Visit to view materials, videos, and more!

CNMA’s Bylaws For Review

Dear CNMA Members,

Please review the revised CNMA Bylaws. We will vote to formally adopt these at our upcoming Annual meeting on October 5th.

See the highlighted changes to the Bylaws below:

  • Gender Neutral language

  • Creation of a Past President Position

  • Creation of language in our Specific Purposes that focuses on Inclusion Equity and Diversification; and addressing Disparities.

  • Creation of a "retirement dues" category ($50.00)

  • Changing the composition of the BOD to represent underrepresented groups

  • Streamlining the balloting/election process

  • Creating a means for greater fiscal accounting

Thank you,

Kathleen Belzer, CNMA President

The Women and Families of Napa Need Your Voice!!

CNMA would like to bring an important issue to the attention of our members which is occurring in Napa County.

St. Joseph’s and Adventist Hospitals are negotiating a Joint Operating Agreement. A JOA is NOT a merger, it is a contractual agreement whereby services are shared and departments consolidated in an effort to reduce duplication of services and thereby, cost. Although there are representatives of both hospitals in various counties in northern California, Napa County is the only county that is served exclusively by both faith-based organizations, Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa and St. Helena Hospital in Angwin. As proposed, 5 years from the approval of the JOA, maternity services will be joined; the Birth Center at St. Helena Hospital will close and Queen of the Valley will assume all services related to maternal health and birth.

The implications for this consolidation are unsettling and unprecedented. If QVH, a faith-based hospital, is the only facility available to women in Napa County, their care will be dictated by the doctrine of the Catholic Church. Women will need to seek care out of the county (Davis, San Francisco) for sterilization, immediate post birth contraception and standard of care management of missed abortion in the presence of a heartbeat. Already, there is no access to abortion of any kind or at any gestation in this community. When the SHH Birth Center closes, access to nurse midwifery care, a 30 year tradition in Napa County, will cease.

What can we do? The CA Attorney General, Javier Becerra, will make a decision in September on the JOA. His options are: approve the JOA as proposed, deny the JOA, or approve the JOA with conditions. CNMA’s position is to urge the Attorney General to safeguard the reproductive rights of women in Napa county. Among these being that QVH/Adventist commit to providing basic reproductive health and family planning services including tubal ligations, Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives, miscarriage management, and pregnancy options counseling within an institution of a non faith-based healthcare organization in Napa. Also, that reproductive healthcare be available to every Napa resident, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Please take a minute to write to Deputy Attorney General Scott Chan at

Questions? News? Want to get involved?

Email us at

That's all for this month's issue. Catch you next time!


Visit us at

This newsletter will be archived on our website at



The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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