Volunteer to serve on the board for the California Nurse-Midwives Association!
President-Elect (serve as President Elect from 10/2019 to 10/2020, then assume the role of President for 10/2020-10/2022):
Has a year to transition to the position of President. During that year (from Oct 1 to Oct 1) duties include:
1. Attend monthly BOD calls and calls with other stakeholder groups.
3. 2 in-person meetings annually that alternate between Northern and Southern CA (APRN coalition).
4. Health Policy Committee calls and meetings with Political Strategist, Legal Counsel, or others prn.
Responsibilities when you become President in year two:
1. See above.
2. Lead all BOD Calls.
3. Prepare the agenda, get approval for the agenda, approve the minutes along w/the secretary, make corrections, sign the minutes. Agenda should be out 10 days before the BOD calls.
4. Establish a quorum on the calls.
5. Lead the CNM Annual Meeting. Present the awards, introduce speakers if needed, recognize off going BOD members and welcome incoming BOD members.
6. Be the face of CNMA. Be prepared to give interviews, help draft legislation and correspondence prn, review HPC information.
7. Be involved in publication of the monthly the CNMA newsletter.
8. Attend the ACNM Annual Meeting and represent the state affiliate during the Regional Meeting.
9. Be in touch with the ACNM National Office whenever necessary.
Secretary (10/2019-10/21):
1. Send out the agenda to all the BOD members 10 days before the BOD Meeting.
2. Take minutes during the BOD meeting.
3. Send minutes to the president and other BOD members for corrections.
4. Get signature on minutes once the corrections have been made.
5. Send out final minutes to BOD members.
6. Store minutes on Drop Box and keep Dropbox files organized.
7. Secretary is a BOD voting member.
8. Term 2 years, staggered with Treasurer.
Regional Representatives (one each NorCal, SoCal, Central (10/2019-10/2021):
1. Establish two-way communication with regional chapter chairs and members to update them on affiliate issues, as well as bring issues, comments, needs and requests from regional members to the BOD.
2. Be involved in organizing in-district visits when it comes to grassroots advocacy/legislation.
2. Take initiative regarding events in their region and develop relationships with members of the region.
3. Attend local own chapter meetings.
4. Call into BOD meeting once a month x 1.25-1.5 hours.
7. Voting member.
8. 2 year term.
Student Rep (10/2019-10/2020):
1. Be the contact person for SNM’s in the state-for both in state and out of state learners.
2. Be aware of scholarship programs as available. Be able to direct SNM’s to application process.
3. Attempt to attend the CNMA Annual Meeting as the SNM Rep for the affiliate.
4. Give the SNM Annual Report at the meeting.
5. One of the biggest challenges is finding learning sites for distance learners. Not sure the SNM Rep can really solve this problem, but the student tab on the website may be useful to post info.
6. Manage the mentor/mentee program.
7. SNM Rep is not a voting member but is an active participant in the BOD meetings and will provide a monthly student report to the BOD.
SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM 10/2019-10/2021 (2 years, non-voting position)
1. Maintains the website (cnma.org)
2. Publishes Social Media posts to CNMA's social accounts as needed
3. Facilitates the monthly newsletter release, including publishing and archiving on cnma.org
4. Maintains the store and manages the inventory at CNMA.org/store
5. Coordinates the public relations committee project for CNMA
6. Maintains the Meet the Midwives Project (cnma.org/mtm)