Since 2008, The Leclaire Method culturally specific training and certification program has proven effective in:
Eliminating fear and tension in the motherIncreasing confidence and peace of mind
Preventing preterm labor
Preventing labor fatigue
Promoting bonding of mother, baby and support personHelping mother to deal with past sexual abuse issues often remembered during pregnancy
Enabling mothers to easily give birth in comfort and without fear
Enhancing post-partum recovery
Applying this model in the prevention of complications
Promoting breastfeeding
Preventing/Treating post-partum depression
Respect Black Beginnings Seminar Certification April 10-12, 2019 from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm and receive free at home training gift.
REGISTER NOW Location: Aldersgate Lodge, 925 Haverford Ave., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Overnight stay available at Cal Mar Hotel, 220 California Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90403 (310) 395-5555 Cost: $750.00 per person for 2-day seminar and certification
Seminar Cost includes:Continental breakfastLunchCoffee, tea and water
Course Materials included:Creative Childbirth bookHypnobirthing, The Original Method book4 Audio Programs, Hypnosis for Pregnancy (Creating Comfort Within), Hypnosis for Labor (Birthing from the Inside Out), Healing the Chakras (Music to Play throughout Labor), Babies Love Baroque (Music for pregnancy, breast/bottle feeding and crying baby)
All training and teaching materials:We are including in this training a free gift of My Baby Bonding Band™
Click here to REGISTER NOW for live class. Click here to ORDER NOW your at home certification program.
About your instructor: Michelle Leclaire O’Neill PhD, RN has created an effective, culturally specific program to correct this staggering public health problem. Since 2008, this evidence-based program has guided mothers and trained professionals from Harlem to Los Angeles. Dr. Leclaire O’Neill has worked for 35 years in New York and Los Angeles helping patients to heal. She was on the staff of the Simonton Cancer Center for 10 years where she taught the “Getting Well Again Process” in family, individual and retreat settings. Dr. Leclaire O’Neill has trained physicians, nurses and many other health care professionals from all over the world in Mind Body Medicine and How to Get Well From Cancer. As a balance to her long-term work with cancer, she coined the word Hypnobirthing and developed the Hypnobirthing Childbirth Method and Mind Body Fertility Program. My Baby Bonding Band and Respect Black Beginnings Dr. Leclaire O’Neill and her team of developers have created new ways to communicate pre-natal and post-partum health information. The wrist device offers daily audio companionship to enhance the health and bonding of every mother and child.