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Job Opportunity at Palo Alto Medical Foundation

Immediate opportunity for an experienced CNM to join our practice at Palo Alto Medical Foundation in a full time, full scope midwifery position. Our group is a collaborative practice with midwives, physicians and a nurse practitioner in which the midwifery model of care is valued and midwives are an integral part of the team. Our midwives provide full scope midwifery care to a diverse OB population and GYN care from adolescence through menopause. Although the midwives care for essentially healthy women they also participate in the care of patients with medical complications with physician collaboration. Deliveries occur in the award winning “Sutter Maternity and Surgery Center” for low risk patients and Dominican hospital which has a level III NICU for higher risk patients. Our midwives do around 50% of the deliveries for the practice. We are located on the coast in central California about an hour south of San Francisco in Santa Cruz which offers year round recreational and cultural activities. Our practice offers generous salary and other benefits and prioritizes a culture of collaboration and work/life balance. We are looking for an experienced midwife with both excellent clinical and interpersonal skills to join our team. Interested applicants should contact Anabel Albaño,



The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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