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CNMA Newsletter- November 2022

Writer's picture: Brittany EdwardsBrittany Edwards


Hello fellow midwives, student midwives, aspiring midwives, and midwife supporters!

It’s officially election season, and in case you didn’t notice, abortion rights are on the ballot! California voters have the opportunity to enshrine the right to abortion into the California Constitution through Prop 1. Please take the time to vote – your voice matters!

And while we’re at it, your SKILLS matter! Join us this weekend at the annual meeting and pre-meeting abortion workshops! Midwifery is activism, but only if we’ve got the skills–and folks in California NEED trained abortion providers, need trauma-informed equity-driven providers, need providers who are prepared to address environmental justice, and who can catch babies no matter how they make their entrance into this world. Read below about our JUST ANNOUNCED speakers for the annual meetings, and about the abortion workshops, that provide EVERYTHING you need to get started under SB 1375–including template policies and procedures, competency validation documents, and patient handouts. Join us and answer the call!

As always, I’m available by email at and by text at (805) 415-2553.

In the spirit of service,

Paris Maloof-Bury, CNM, IBCLC

President, California Nurse-Midwives Association


California Reproductive Rights Taskforce

California Attorney General Rob Bonta recently announced the launch of a statewide task force to protect and expand access to abortion and other reproductive healthcare. The California Reproductive Rights Task Force, led by the California Department of Justice (DOJ), is made up of district attorneys, county counsel, and city attorneys from across the state. The task force members will work together using their legal expertise and law enforcement powers to ensure that every corner of California is safe for those seeking or providing reproductive care.The task force launched with 15 founding members, who represent a wide range of populations, geographic locations, and access to reproductive care in California: DOJ, Alameda County District Attorney, Contra Costa District Attorney, Humboldt County District Attorney, Los Angeles City Attorney, Los Angeles County Counsel, Oakland City Attorney, Sacramento City Attorney, San Diego City Attorney, San Diego County District Attorney, San Francisco City Attorney, San Francisco County District Attorney, Santa Barbara County District Attorney, Santa Clara County Counsel, and Yolo County District Attorney. Together, the task force members will use their expertise and enforcement powers to help with:

  • Prosecuting crimes of intimidation and harassment at abortion clinics.

  • Enforcing consumer protection laws against deceptive or unlawful conduct concerning reproductive healthcare.

  • Crafting state and local laws and policies to keep reproductive care providers and patients safe.

  • Protecting abortion-related healthcare information in California from being accessed by out-of-state agencies and persons to punish patients or providers.

  • Reviewing land-use issues to prevent discrimination against reproductive healthcare facilities.

The task force will also meet and collaborate with state and federal agencies, local law enforcement, legislators, reproductive care providers, nonprofits, and academic centers.

Read the full press release here.


Updated ACNM Position Statements

ACNM has released multiple new Position Statements after board approval this fall. ACNM will be updating membership over the next few weeks on the updates, so scroll through and stay tuned for all the new practice documents. Thanks to the members of the Clinical Standards and Documents Committee for all the hard work on these documents. We hope you will use them to support improving the care you provide or want to provide in your workplace.

  • The Position Statement on Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding has been updated to include inclusive language and the latest research to support ACNM's position that the role of the midwife in breastfeeding promotion during the prenatal and postpartum periods is essential.

  • The Position Statement on Hydrotherapy During Labor and Birth has been revised to affirm ACNM's position on water birth with the supporting data that "more than 175,600 water births have been reported in studies worldwide since 2018, and data support hydrotherapy as a safe option for labor and childbirth."

  • The Position Statement on Nitrous Oxide for Labor and Birth Analgesia has also been updated with the latest data to affirm ACNM's support of nitrous oxide. Addressing racial biases in pain management is also addressed, along with the crucial role of midwives in educating pregnant people on their options for pain relief.


Education, Trainings, and Webinars

CNMA Abortion Workshop

Join us on Saturday, November 5, 2022 (the day before our Annual Meeting) for a two part abortion workshop. We’ll cover everything you need to provide medication abortion, manual vacuum aspiration abortion, and telehealth abortion. At the end of this course, you'll have EVERYTHING you need to get started -- including template policies and procedures, competency validation documents, and patient handouts. These trainings meet all of the requirements under SB 1375, allowing nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners to provide first-trimester manual vacuum aspiration abortion care independently in California. People in California NEED trained abortion providers--Please answer the call!

Part 1: Saturday, November 5, 2022, 8 AM - 12 PM. This will be an online didactic course that covers values clarification, options counseling, and medication abortion. $100 / 4 CEUs. Limited to the first 60 registrants. Register here for the ONLINE/ VIRTUAL morning session

Part 2: Saturday, November 5, 2022 8 AM - 12 PM, 1 PM - 5 PM This will be offered in-person at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo and will cover manual vacuum aspiration. $100 / 4 CEUs. Limited to the first 40 registrants. We respectfully ask that the in-person portion of training be limited to people who are fully vaccinated. Register here for the IN PERSON afternoons Aspiration training


This year’s annual meeting will be held at the iconic Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo on Sunday, November 6, 2022, 7:30 am - 5:30pm. Both in person and virtual options available. Our lineup of speakers and topic

Ana Delgado, CNM, MS: Using Quality Improvement to Advance Health Equity

Rixa Freeze, PhD: Maneuvers for Vaginal Breech Delivery

Tanya Khemet-Taiwo, MPH, LM, PhD: Environmental Influences on the Developing Fetus

Paris Maloof-Bury, CNM, IBCLC: The Marginalization of Black Midwives in America

Come join us, vaccinated and masked, for a day of camaraderie, learning, and being together

in solidarity as we learn, network and grow as providers. Visit for registration and more information about the meeting. And…Print and post the Annual Meeting Flier HERE! Discounted registration for CNMA members, and non-members who register for the annual meeting will receive a discount code to join CNMA! Come for the 8 CEUs. Stay for the vaccinated HUGS and evening dance party!

Using Behavior Science to Increase Vaccination Rates

Human beings are hardwired to identify threats—it’s just how our brains work to keep us safe from danger. In a world where misinformation is commonplace and where deliberate disinformation campaigns are on the rise, it can be very difficult for people to discern a true threat from important information for their health and well-being. This presentation will examine how neuroscience factors into behavior and how effective messaging to help empower people to make informed decisions regarding their health. Using the new ACNM maternal vaccination campaign as an example, we will explore effective techniques based on behavior change neuroscience for midwives to learn effective strategies in improving vaccine update among patients. Thursday, November 3, 2022 | 4 - 5 PM PST | 1 CE. This webinar is FREE and open to ALL! Learn more and register here.

2022 Annual Medicaid MCO Survey Report Release

Join leading Medicaid experts for a discussion about key results and trends in the 2022 Medicaid Managed Care Organization Survey and what they mean for health plans, enrollees, policymakers, and administrators. Join us to hear Medicaid experts’ reactions to the findings, and discover how Medicaid health plans and state Medicaid agencies can use IMI’s findings. Friday, November 4, 2022, 11 AM - 12 PM PST. Register Here

Psychological Wounds: Mental Health Nursing Care of America’s Veterans

Learn how veterans navigate the world of mental health care and how nurses can help. 1 CEU. Join the American Nurses Association/California for this enlightening discussion diving deeper into the mental health of California's veterans. California is home to over 1.8 million former service members - one of the largest veteran populations in the United States. As nurses, it is important to understand how and what resources and services veterans and their families are using and how the nursing profession can improve policies that increase access to care. November 9, 10 AM - 11 AM PST. Learn more and register here.

Respectful Care for LGBTQIA+ Community

Offering respectful, neutral, compassionate care to the LGBTQIA+ community is essential. Learn the current terminology and common scripting that can empower healthcare professionals to care for these families at the bedside, including care for transgender patients. November 9, 10 AM - 11 AM PST. 1 NCPD. Learn more and register here.

Sexuality: Creating A Safe Space for our Patients

Patients who have a history of ongoing pelvic pain, dyspareunia, vaginismus, or have experienced some degree of sexual trauma are often disassociated from their bodies. They come into appointments often emotionally afraid, physically guarded and potentially resistant to internal exams. This webinar will explore ways to decrease patient anxiety and provide ways midwives can help patients be present in their bodies. It will also give participants some tools in helping patients navigate sexual challenges in general. Wednesday, November 9, 2022 | 4 - 5 PM PST | 1 CE Learn more and register here.

AWHONN Abortion Access Advocacy Townhall

Join Seth Chase, AWHONN's Government Affairs Director, and Elizabeth Kester, Director on AWHONN's Board of Directors, at this FREE town hall where participants learn how to advocate for abortion access in their states. November 14, 2022, 10 AM. Register here. The event will be recorded and available on-demand for those who cannot attend.

Holistic Perinatal Care with Safe, Gentle, and Supportive Herbs

Are you looking for positive, sustainable changes to your health toward healthy pregnancy and perinatal care, yet are struggling with reaching these goals? Not actualizing your fullest potential as a woman or resolving chronic hormonal imbalances can feel painful. Give yourself the gift of joining Whitney Erwin, MSc, MEd, LMT for a group facilitation on holistic perinatal care with safe, gentle and supportive herbs to receive the supportive structure of a safe, compassionate circle to share, learn and grow together on the path toward actualizing optimal health. We'll discuss clinical hormone balancing herbs, nutrition, recipes, community resources and more with plenty of time for everyone to share and listen to each other in the group.November 16 at 10 AM PST. Webinar Wednesday is a FREE benefit of AABC Membership. Guests may attend for a fee ($45). Registration is required. Can’t attend live? Register anyway and we'll email you the recording after the session. You'll also find the recording in our on-demand library, along with our other past webinars. Learn more and register for Webinar Wednesday

Intrapartum Guidelines for Midwives with Tanya Owens

Intrapartum clinical practice guidelines for midwives can improve the quality of care and patient outcomes. Such improvements, however, often relate to the level of rigor in guideline development, to assure quality and utilize the most recent and best evidence. This presentation will explore the process of appraising guidelines and guideline development.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 | 4 - 5 PM PST | 1 CE Learn more and register

The Next Step in California's Quality Improvement Journey: Integrating Midwives, Doulas, & Community-Based Birth Care.

Join CMQCC for their upcoming webinar The Next Step in California's Quality Improvement Journey: Integrating Midwives, Doulas, & Community-Based Birth Care. Objectives:

  1. Describe team-based care and its potential for improving patient experience and birth outcomes

  2. Explain the benefit of integrating midwives and doulas as necessary components of pregnancy and birth care (and the strategies to accomplish this)

  3. Describe the value of community birth and how to promote safe, respectful transfer

Save the date: November 30th from 12-1:30 PM PST. A registration link will be available soon at

IMI Community-Based Doulas and Perinatal Health Workers: A National Medicaid Birth Equity Learning Series

The Institute for Medicaid Innovation (IMI) and Every Mother Counts (EMC) are launching a national learning series centered on community-based doula care and perinatal community health workers (CHWs). The learning series, developed with support from the Community Health Acceleration Partnership (CHAP), aims to support the creation and strengthening of pathways for Medicaid stakeholders — including Medicaid agencies and health plans, provider groups, and professional associations — to expand access to quality, respectful, and equitable maternity care. The new community-based doula and perinatal CHW learning series will consist of eight (8), free 60-minute web-based learning sessions, beginning December 1, 2022. These sessions will broaden participants’ awareness of community-based doula and perinatal CHW support and provide evidence supporting the benefits, cost-effectiveness, and potential to improve health equity of these services in Medicaid. In addition, the learning series will provide a roadmap for Medicaid stakeholders to explore next steps for implementation of this model within their state, organization, and/or practice setting. Learn more and register.

PSI 2-Day Components of Care and Advanced Training

Postpartum Support International has developed an internationally recognized unique evidence-based training program for health providers and social support networks. We have created an expert corps of experienced trainers and are committed to providing you with the most current research. The 2-day PSI Certificate of Completion Course, taught by experienced and engaging faculty, is a thorough and evidence-based curriculum designed for nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, or anyone interested in learning skills and knowledge for assessment and treatment of perinatal mood disorders. Registration includes training binder, handouts, and continuing education credits. Approved for CMEs, CNEs, and CEs. Register for online trainings below:

The Midwife as Surgical First Assistant

The full schedule of The Midwife as Surgical First Assistant (First Assist) Virtual Clinical Labs for 2023 is now available! First Assist focuses on training midwives to participate and provide continuity of care for patients during a cesarean section. All 2022 dates are sold out - you can register for the next dates in 2023:

Transforming White Privilege

Transforming White Privilege on the Path to Racial Equity in Maternity Care is a workshop series on Zoom for self-identifying white midwives. We invite you to explore with us our understanding of white privilege, racism, and anti-blackness. We will examine the history of race and racism and the culture of white supremacy and white fragility, as we learn to interrupt the harmful effects of racism. Engaging with readings, videos, exercises, personal stories and restorative practices, we will build a supportive, healing community while we cultivate the skills needed to show up together as white midwives and birth workers to do the work of dismantling

racism in maternity care. To register, please email a paragraph expressing your interest and motivation for taking the course to our facilitators at We ask that you plan to attend all of the sessions and do the assigned videos and readings for each class. This class has been created especially for white midwives and birth workers. Please share if you have any special concerns or recommendations. 3/20/23 - 4/24/23, Mondays 12-2:30 PST. Cost: $250-500 (sliding scale–and a reduced fee will be considered in cases of financial hardship). A portion of the proceeds will go to Neighbors for Racial Justice, and the remainder will support other Bay Area BIPOC-led organizations on the front lines of this work.

To view previously listed educational opportunities, please visit our website at


California Prenatal Screening Program

On September 19th, The California Prenatal Screening (PNS) Program moved from an integrated biochemical screening to Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and MSAFP from 15-21 weeks. Lab orders are now entered exclusively on the PNS portal. While midwives are able to access the portal directly and place their own orders, CNMA is aware that midwives are not yet able to delegate the ordering of these tests to medical assistants. CNMA is actively working with the CDPH PNS Program to correct this, and you can look forward to updates on corrections in the coming weeks and months. Meanwhile, below are some resources and web pages to guide you in the new process:


Volunteer Opportunities

Serve on an AABC Committee in 2023

Serve on an AABC Committee in 2023: Application Deadline: November 17th. AABC's member volunteers are the strength of our organization. AABC has a small staff; and it is because of our members that we are able to accomplish so much. This year more than 50 members are volunteering on AABC committees and task forces. The variety of expertise and experience these members contribute to the organization through committee work is incredibly valuable. You, too, can become more involved by joining a committee. Members, apply now to serve a one-year term in 2023. We strive to match members with committees that align with their experience, skills and interests. The information you share on your application will help us do this. Learn more and apply to serve on an AABC Committee.


Scholarships, Grants, and Funding

Elizabeth Bear Education Leadership Fellowship ($2,500)

The A.C.N.M. Foundation, Inc. announces the Elizabeth Bear Education Leadership Fellowship to be awarded to a CNM or CM pursuing a scientifically oriented doctoral or post-doctoral education program (i.e., PhD., ScD, DNSc, DrPH, etc.). This new fellowship is made possible through a generous gift from ACNM Past-President, Elizabeth "Betty" Bear, CNM, PhD, FACNM. Applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Applications are due by December 1st, 2022. Learn more and apply.


Job Opportunities

Women's Health Center Director at Eisner Health

The Women's Health Center Director is a CLINIC/OUTPATIENT care position. The WHC Director oversees a large, busy pregnancy care/GYN clinic where we staff 4-5 clinicians per day. Clinicians include a large full-scope midwife practice that attends deliveries at California Hospital Medical Center right next door. OB-GYN physicians see higher level gynecology and pre-op patients. MFM physician is onsite once per week for very high risk patients. Family medicine physicians and nurse practitioners float. The position is 50% admin and 50% clinical. Clinical time is outpatient care only, mainly at the WHC but possibly floating to other sites. The role also includes coordinating with other sites within the organization to align pregnancy care and processes across locations. Pregnancy care is provided at three sites in the San Fernando Valley; one in Lynwood; and one as part of the Family Medicine Residency program through CHMC. There are also school-based clinics where family planning services are provided. Spanish fluency or proficiency is a plus. Please contact Rebecca Smith, CNM, CDCES for more information: (415)314-1751

Circle City Midwifery & Women’s Health Services

Circle City Midwifery & Women’s Health Services (Formerly Beach Cities Midwifery-Corona), Is seeking an enthusiastic Nurse-Midwife interested in a true full-scope practice position in our vibrant, fast growing, and innovative midwifery practice located in Corona, California. This unique full-time position focuses on the development of a joint community and hospital based midwifery led service. The position includes office hours, hospitalist hours, first assisting, and a shared call schedule with sufficient time to provide comprehensive patient care. We promote the midwifery model of care in a collaborative practice environment with physician and hospital support. Application for hospital privileges and first assist training included with position. The midwife will have the ability to provide care in our freestanding birth center, the hospital, and at home. Please email interest along with CV/resume to More information is available here.

Sutter East Bay Medical Group

Sutter East Bay Medical Group OB/CNM Hospitalist Program is searching for a CNM for a .5 FTE job share position. This unique position would require 1.0 FTE work for 8 weeks (three 12 hr shifts per week) rotating with 8 weeks off. We are a hospital only practice with strong OB collaboration. We have a high volume, high acuity practice serving mostly MediCal patients. Please contact Natalie Martina, Lead CNM for further information at

Sutter Palo Alto Medical Foundation

PAMF in Santa Cruz/Watsonville is hiring! CNMs in this practice provide comprehensive primary health care to a select population of essentially healthy women, participate in the care of women with medical complications in collaboration with the OB/GYN physicians, share in the planning and organization of the Nurse-Midwifery Service, and share in call coverage responsibilities for the CNM group. More information is available here.

Reproductive Health Access Project Executive Director

The Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) envisions a world where sexual and reproductive health is recognized by society as essential health care, free from stigma, bias, and politicization. At the core of this belief, everyone's bodily autonomy is respected, and all individuals and communities have equitable access to sexual and reproductive health care and information with dignity, free from coercion, judgment, or persecution. With the recent SCOTUS ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, RHAP stands firmly behind its mission, now more than ever before. With a passionate professional staff, dynamic and multidisciplinary board, a $1.3M+ budget, and a national network of primary care clinicians exceeding 6,000 members, a reproductive health fellowship program with extensive education and more, RHAP now seeks a new Executive Director who will chart the next phase of RHAP’s future to center equity and justice as priorities within all aspects of its strategy, programs, and operations. The work ahead calls for a leader with a broad vision for increasing access to sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion, who takes into account the evolving, highly restricted abortion access landscape. This next stage also requires RHAP to ensure that the most important voices are at the table, including centering the experiences of BIPOC communities, communities at the margins, and wider ranging geographic perspectives. Candidates may submit their cover letter, outlining their interest and qualifications, along with their resume via NPAG’s candidate portal.

To view previously listed educational opportunities, please visit our website at


Medi-Cal Rx

Sign up for the Medi-Cal Rx Subscription Service to be notified when new information is posted. Additional information is available below:


Midwife Crush Mondays!

Do you know an amazing Midwife who is doing revolutionary work? We want to feature them on our social media platforms!

CNMA is looking for submissions for our new social media series “Midwife Crush Monday” where we highlight the stories of trailblazing midwives across the industry who are making a difference in the midwifery profession. You can even submit yourself!

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Midwife’s name (include pronouns)

  • Affiliated organization(s)

  • Why you became a midwife (and anything awesome you’d like to brag about)

  • Headshot/Photo if available

  • Bonus: Please include social media handles for tagging!

Please send submissions to for consideration!

Visit our website for more information!



The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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