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CNMA Newsletter- July 2023

Writer's picture: Brittany EdwardsBrittany Edwards

Message from the President

Dear Community,

With summer here, CNMA is HOT!!!.

The annual meeting and abortion workshops are just a few weeks away, and tickets are priced to sell. The main event offers 8 CEUs starting at just $110, and the in-person options include a mini yoga break with my friend Sally McNally “The Irish Midwife” (if you know Sally, I know you’re smiling!). Our online abortion and in-person manual vacuum aspiration workshops offer everything you need to offer first trimester abortion independently in California, and each offers 4 CEUs for only $100. Thank you to our Continuing Education Chair, Jillian Cauley for putting this all together!

Meanwhile, our Health Policy leaders Holly Smith and Liz Donnelly are powering our bills through the state legislature. You heard that right, I said bills, plural. They’re also leading a dedicated group of midwives to reimagine and reform Medi-Cal reimbursement for midwives and birth centers in California. And don’t get me started on what’s happening in education and midwifery workforce development…

Yes, CNMA is more effective than ever, thanks to our passionate (and busy!) volunteer leadership. Sound like fun? Well if you’d like to be involved in shaping midwifery care in California, may I remind you that our election is just a few weeks away and WE NEED YOU!

The CNMA ballot for the 2024 Board of Directors will be sent out soon, but first, we need candidates! I’ve said this before, but I’m not afraid of saying it again. WE NEED YOU! Imagine yourself as President-Elect, Secretary, Northern California Representative, Central California Representative, or Representative of an Under-Represented Community. Or join one of our many committees: membership, communications, and continuing education are all recruiting!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to join our team. As always, I’m available by email at and by text at (805) 415-2553.

In the spirit of service and solidarity,

Paris Maloof-Bury, CNM, IBCLC

President, California Nurse-Midwives Association


Join the CNMA Board of Directors!

President-Elect (10/2023-10/2027)

During the first year (10/2023-10/2024), the President-Elect is mentored and supported by the current President as they learn the role and prepare to take on leadership of the board of directors (BOD) and the affiliate. Duties include:

  • Non-voting member of the BOD.

  • Attend virtual BOD meetings and other committee meetings throughout the month to learn about the structure and inside operations within the association.

  • Attend 2 in-person meetings annually that alternate between Northern and Southern California.

During the second and third years (10/2024-10/2026) the President’s duties include the following:

  • Be the face of CNMA. Be prepared to give interviews, help draft legislation and correspondence when needed, advocate for midwifery and birthing people, stay up to date on health policy issues within the association and the state.

  • Lead all BOD meetings (prepare the agenda, establish a quorum, get approval for the agenda, approve the minutes along with the secretary, make corrections, sign the minutes).

  • Voting member of the BOD.

  • Lead the CNMA Annual Meeting (present the awards, introduce speakers, recognize off going BOD members, and welcome incoming BOD members).

  • Contribute to the CNMA newsletter.

  • Attend the ACNM Annual Meeting and represent CNMA during the California Affiliate Meeting and Regional Meeting.

  • Communicate with the ACNM National Office when necessary.

During the fourth year (10/2026-10/2027), the Past President's duties include the following:

  • Non-voting member of the BOD.

  • Offer support and guidance to the sitting President.

  • Serve as a source of continuity with other groups and organizations in California who have associations with ACNM and CNMA.

  • Ensure historical context for important issues impacting CNMA and the BOD.

Secretary (10/2023-10/2026)

  • Voting member of the BOD.

  • Send out the agenda to all the BOD members 10 days before the BOD Meeting.

  • Attend and take minutes during the BOD meeting.

  • Send minutes to the President and other BOD members for corrections.

  • Get signature on minutes once the corrections have been made.

  • Send out final minutes to BOD members.

  • Store minutes on Dropbox and keep Dropbox files organized.

  • Onboard new BOD members.

  • Participate in strategic planning.

  • Facilitate CNMA’s annual election.

  • Three year term, may serve up to two consecutive terms

Northern California Representative (10/2023-10/2026)

  • Voting member of the BOD.

  • Attend monthly virtual BOD meetings.

  • Develop relationships with the members of the region.

  • Establish two-way communication with regional chapter chairs and members to update them on affiliate issues; and bring chapters’ and members’ issues, comments, needs, and requests from regional members to the BOD.

  • Should attend their own chapter meetings.

  • Help lead and organize in-district visits and advocacy efforts.

  • Stay involved and participate in events in their region as a representative of CNMA.

  • Three year term, may serve up to two consecutive terms.

Central California Representative (10/2023-10/2026)

  • Voting member of the BOD.

  • Attend monthly virtual BOD meetings.

  • Develop relationships with the members of the region.

  • Establish two-way communication with regional chapter chairs and members to update them on affiliate issues; and bring chapters’ and members’ issues, comments, needs, and requests from regional members to the BOD.

  • Should attend their own chapter meetings.

  • Help lead and organize in-district visits and advocacy efforts.

  • Stay involved and participate in events in their region as a representative of CNMA.

  • Three year term, may serve up to two consecutive terms.

Representative from Under-Represented Group (10/2023-10/2026)

  • Voting member of the BOD

  • Attend monthly virtual BOD meetings.

  • Acts as liaison and represents the interests of a community under-represented in midwifery and/or on the CNMA Board

  • Three year term, may serve up to two consecutive terms

Join a CNMA Committee!

Membership Chair

CNMA is dedicated to promoting midwifery and supporting midwives in California, and we need someone passionate and committed to help us recruit and retain members, manage our databases, collaborate with other committees, and engage with our chapters and members. If you're enthusiastic, organized, and want to help shape the future of midwifery in California, please reach out to our current membership chair, Emily Carter, at

Continuing Education Committee

The CNMA Continuing Education Committee is responsible for planning and hosting the CNMA Annual Meeting and creating continuing education content that will be available throughout the year. Please consider joining this small and focused team. The work is targeted and specific, but there’s still plenty of room for creativity. Interested members, please contact


Health Policy Updates


SB 667 passed the Assembly Business and Professions Committee with an 18-0 vote on June 27th! Now onto the Assembly Appropriations Committee. See what you can do RIGHT now to help pass this bill by going to

CNMA is also a co-sponsor of two abortion provider protection bills, AB 571 (Petrie-Norris) and SB 345 (Skinner). AB 571 passed the Senate Insurance Committee on June 28th. On July 5th, SB 345 was heard in the Assembly Judiciary Committee and passed! Now it goes to the Assembly Public Safety Committee. Follow these bills at for their current status and to see what you can do NOW!

National Health Policy - Call To Action

Midwives for MOMS is Introduced in the Senate

Co-lead by midwifery and women’s health advocates Senator Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the Midwives for MOMS bill was reintroduced in the Senate on Wednesday, June 7th. We now have a bipartisan bill to fund all accredited midwifery education programs in the United States in both houses of Congress! Help us spread the word by sharing this message within your respective affiliates and on your social media platforms. Click here to view the strong letter of support to Congress for Midwives for MOMS from over 30 healthcare stakeholder organizations.

Healthcare Stakeholders Send Strong Letter of Support for ICAN Act

Over 235 healthcare stakeholders, including nearly 25 ACNM Affiliates, signed on to a Congressional letter of support for the Improving Care and Access to Nurses Act (ICAN Act), H.R. 2713, federal legislation that removes outdated barriers to advanced practice registered nurses within the Medicare program. Please take a moment to visit ACNM’s Grassroot site and engage with your member of Congress in support of the ICAN Act.

ACNM Joins ANA, AANP and AANA on a Letter of Congress Rebutting AMA Claims

Not surprisingly, the American Medical Association (AMA) is up to its usual tricks of outright opposing legislation that seeks to uplift and support the ability of non-MD/DO clinicians to practice to the full extent of their education, clinical training, certification, and licensure. ACNM joined our friends in the nursing community in sending a strong letter of support for the ICAN Act to Congress and refuting many of the AMA’s baseless claims without directly mentioning them.

Join ACNM and Take Action Today by visiting ACNM’s Grassroots Center and engaging with your members of Congress!

Bipartisan Congressional Briefing: The Latest Regarding Family Planning Access and Maternal Health

The Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health is hosting a Congressional Briefing On July 12, 2023 10:30 am to 11:45 am PT. The briefing will educate Congress on the following:

  • The latest policies on family planning, including access to contraception

  • The impact of unintended pregnancy on women, families, and society, including economic mobility

  • Recent research on the impact of unintended pregnancy (lack of family planning and lack of access to contraception) and maternal mental health

  • Innovative technology on LARCs for men

  • Policy recommendations to improve access to reproductive healthcare and maternal mental health

  • Family planning counseling, including clarity on who can and should deliver this

  • Access to contraception, including coverage of FDA Approved Plan A, male contraception. Register here!


Education, Trainings, and Webinars

CNMA 2023 Annual Meeting

Join us in Los Angeles for the 2023 CNMA Annual Meeting. Speakers this year include: King Yaa: Queer Reproductive Care, Dr. Anna Glezer: Perinatal Mood Disorders, Gabriela Grant: Care and Evaluation of the sex worker, and more to come! Our site will be updated as presenters confirm. 8 CEUs. August 26, 2023 at the Omni Hotel in Los Angeles. Get your tickets early!

ACNM First Assist Workshops

ACNM has a full schedule of The Midwife as Surgical First Assistant (First Assist) Virtual Clinical Labs available in 2023! First Assist focuses on training midwives to participate and provide continuity of care for patients during a cesarean section.

The First Assist Virtual Clinical Labs fill up fast, so be sure to Register for the date you need NOW!

  • Tuesday, July 25 (10:00 AM EST) - Registration deadline is Monday, July 10, 2023.

  • Tuesday, Aug. 22 (10:00 AM EST) - Registration deadline is Monday, Aug. 7, 2023.

ACNM Wants to Listen to YOU! CEO Conversations — Every Wednesday at 4 PM ET, starting July 5

Michelle Munroe, our interim CEO, will be starting weekly online meetings with members to listen and discuss ideas and concerns. Each week, 10 people can register for CEO Conversations. Please email

HRSA Strategy to Address Intimate Partner Violence

HRSA will be hosting a webinar highlighting its strategy on addressing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, from 1-2 PM ET. The webinar features speakers from OWH, HRSA's Bureau of Primary Health Care, and the HIV/AIDS Bureau and will outline how HRSA bureaus and offices can prevent and respond to IPV. The Strategy is available on the OWH IPV webpage to view and download. Register here!

The Reproductive Freedom and Abortion Access (RFAA) Unit

The Reproductive Freedom and Abortion Access (RFAA) Unit of the California Department of Public Health’s Office of Health Equity is excited to release two Request for Applications (RFAs) under the California Reproductive Justice and Freedom Fund (RJ Fund). RFA #23-10467 Statewide and Regional Program Grants (PDF) and RFA #23-10468 Local Program Grants (PDF) are now available. As further updates become available, including official responses to questions and comments, they will be posted on the Reproductive Freedom and Abortion Access (RFAA) Unit webpage. Questions can be submitted to

Using the Midwifery Model of Care For Global Clinical Capacity Building: Online Continuing Education in Madagascar

Save The Date: July 20, 2023 7 pm - 8 pm ET. ACNM's global department works to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes in the world by strengthening midwifery. This seminar will present ACCESS U, an example of one global program that uses the midwifery model of care for continuing education of doctors, midwives and nurses, a holistic approach where the childbearing person, family and neonate are at the center of the care. Presented by: Rebecca Ullman, CNM, MSN. CEs Offered: 1 CE. Register here!

American Hospitals” Virtual Group Screening

Join the California Nurse-Midwives Foundation (CNMF) on Saturday July 22, 2023 at 4:30pm for a hosting of the feature film, “American Hospitals”. We will view the documentary and participate in a group discussion. Suggested Donation: $35. Stay tuned for the sign up link and more details to come! See website here.

Promoting Immigrant Health: Medi-Cal Renewals & Public Charge Impact in Accessing Public Benefits

Join The Children's Partnership and California Primary Care Association in our next webinar, Promoting Immigrant Health on Thursday July 27, 2023 at 2:00 pm PT. This webinar is being held in partnership with the Mixteco/Indígena Community Organizing Project (MICOP), as well as Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County and Western Center on Law and Poverty. Our speakers will help inform service providers and community based organizations of how to best educate their immigrant patients and

clients about Medi-Cal renewals while encouraging community members to access public services they are legally entitled to.

In this webinar participants will:

  • Increase your understanding of the public charge rule and how to combat the chilling effect using resources developed by the CA-PIF Outreach & Communications workgroup

  • Obtain answers to general legal questions around immigration, public charge, and public benefits

  • Learn best practices and approaches for educating immigrant communities about Medi-Cal renewals

** The webinar will be held primarily in Spanish; English interpretation will be available.

Register here or scan QR code.

Perinatal Mood Disorders: Components of Care

This two-day course, taught by expert and engaging faculty, uses a thorough, evidence-based curriculum designed for psychiatrists, nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, and anyone interested in building skills for assessment and treatment of perinatal mood disorders. Your registration includes a training manual, handouts, and certification of continuing education credits. Date: August 9th & 10th, 2023 8:30 am - 5:00 pm ET via Zoom. Registration ends 8/1/23. Cost: $425. Register here!

  • Advanced PMH Psychotherapy Training and Advanced PMH Psychopharmacology Training available August 11th for an additional fee

The Black Birth Equity Summit 2023

The California Black Birth Equity Summit will be held on August 28 - 29, 2023. Hosted by the California Endowment, this Summit will elevate and celebrate the numerous policy, program, research, and innovation advancements since the 2019 Black Birth Equity Summit. This year's Summit will be one of the largest gatherings of leaders and stakeholders in California dedicated to advancing Black birth equity and justice. The hybrid convening (virtual and in-person) will bring together diverse and multidisciplinary participants to raise awareness, build capacity, and implement sustainable strategies to eliminate racial inequities and mitigate their impact. The program will feature expert dynamic keynote speakers, interactive concurrent sessions, strategic planning for policies and programs impacting Black families, meaningful dialogue, and networking opportunities. In-person registration will end August 18th and virtual registration will end August 27th. Register here!

If you have any summit questions, please contact Mashariki Kudumu at

To view previously listed educational opportunities, please visit our website at


Volunteer Opportunities

Call for ACNM Clinical Standards & Documents Committee Chairs

The Clinical Standards & Documents (CS&D) committee is one of the most important ACNM committees. Volunteers work to write and revise ACNM documents that affect midwifery practice. The CS&D committee is seeking a committee chair.

Responsibilities of the committee chair:

  • Keep documents up to date (every 5 years)

  • Shepherd all documents through the committee and approval

  • Communicate with Division Chair (BOD reports etc.)

  • Committee meetings (monthly/bi-monthly, or quarterly and at the national meeting)

  • Send final drafts to National office

  • Respond to requests from national office (for example endorsement of ACOG documents)

  • Update the yearly index for JMWH (in December)

CS&D Section Responsibilities:

  • Develop and maintain clinical practice standards and documents.

  • Identify appropriate clinical experts for document updates.

  • Identify and collaborate with other organizations who provide women, children and persons centered healthcare.

  • Promote the practice of midwifery and maintain high standards to support ACNM membership.

  • Provide expertise to the ACNM on clinical management issues.

Apply here and contact with questions.



Midwifery Education Scholarships

HRSA is continuing to accept applications for the Maternity Care Nursing Workforce Expansion (MatCare) Program. This program will provide direct funding to accredited midwifery education programs that confer a nurse-midwifery degree or certificate. Midwifery students should speak with their midwifery program faculty about applying for scholarship funding on their behalf. The MatCare application is open through July 14, 2023. Learn More!

AABC Birth Institute

Do you want to attend the 2023 AABC Birth Institute or the How to Start a Birth Center Workshop in Tucson, Arizona (October 12-15) but need financial assistance to do so? Through AABC and the AABC Foundation, there are two scholarship programs available:

  • AABC Diversity + Inclusion Scholarships - scholarships for the Birth Institute and/or How to Start a Birth Center Workshop

  • AABCF Lisa Ross Memorial Scholarships - scholarship for the Birth Institute

Both scholarships provide the registration fee and a travel stipend to attend the conference. Deadline to Apply: July 15th, 2023


Job Opportunities


Please join our midwifery-led, evidence-based, practice as a PER DIEM MIDWIFE. We have two open per diem positions and are looking for candidates with at least 1-2 years of experience, ideally, to help us cover multiple clinic sites in an FQHC setting in Yolo County and to cover call in a hospital-based Birth Center at Sutter Davis Hospital. New CNM graduates will be considered for clinic only per diem positions. Our practice has been recognized nationally and locally for providing great outcomes (low c/s rates, low PTB rates, high breastfeeding rates, high patient satisfaction) while serving a diverse patient population. Please consider applying to join our supportive midwifery community. To view the job description and to apply, click here!

For more information, feel free to contact Associate Perinatal Directors Cathy McGovern, CNM at or Kristen Cates, CNM at, as well as HR Recruiter Mariah Baldwin at

To view previously listed educational opportunities, please visit our website at


Medi-Cal Rx

Sign up for the Medi-Cal Rx Subscription Service to be notified when new information is posted!

See additional updates below:


Midwife Crush Mondays!

Do you know an amazing Midwife who is doing revolutionary work? We want to feature them on our social media platforms!

CNMA is looking for submissions for our new social media series “Midwife Crush Monday” where we highlight the stories of trailblazing midwives across the industry who are making a difference in the midwifery profession. You can even submit yourself!

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Midwife’s name (include pronouns)

  • Affiliated organization(s)

  • Why you became a midwife (and anything awesome you’d like to brag about)

  • Headshot/Photo if available

  • Bonus: Please include social media handles for tagging!

Please send submissions to for consideration!



The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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Please send all general inquiries to

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