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CNMA Newsletter | August 2022

Writer's picture: Admin CNMAAdmin CNMA

Welcome to National Breastfeeding Month!

August is National Breastfeeding Month, and as you know, midwifery care is associated with improved outcomes, including increased breastfeeding rates. As an IBCLC, helping nursing parents to meet their infant feeding goals is something that’s always been a high priority for me. Just like all we do to support families in midwifery, it’s about helping them define what success looks like for themselves, and then helping them get there. Whether you are supporting your patients or clients to breastfeed or chest feed, whether they’re exclusive pumping or combo feeding, we’re here to support them. And that is worth celebrating. To all my midwives out there, Happy National Breastfeeding Month!

As always, I’m available by email at and by text at (805) 415-2553.

In the spirit of service,

Paris Maloof-Bury, CNM, IBCLC

President, California Nurse-Midwives Association

CNMA Upcoming Election

The CNMA annual election is coming soon, where you will have the opportunity to vote on proposed updates to the CNMA Bylaws, and to elect incoming Board Members. But first we need some candidates! If you’re interested in joining our highly productive team (and bulking up your CV in the process), now’s the time to jump in! Thinking about running, but not sure you’ve got what it takes? We’re committed to mentoring new board members in their role and setting you up for success. The following offices are up for election this Summer: President, Representative from an Under-Represented Group, Reproductive Justice & Anti-Racism Chair, Southern California Representative, and Treasurer. Please email Paris Maloof-Bury or Alison Young by August 15, 2022 if you are interested in running.

Board of Directors: Call for Nominations


The role of President is usually preceded by a year of onboarding as President-Elect. However, due to an unprecedented withdrawal of two consecutive midwives having to withdraw consecutively from their commitment to serve in this role, we are accepting nominations for President. The role will include two years serving as President, followed by one year as Immediate Past President, during which time they will serve as a resource and mentor to the new President.

  1. Voting member of the Board.

  2. Preside at all Board meetings.

  3. Preside at all Affiliate meetings with proper notification to members of meetings and agendas.

  4. Appoint standing committee and task force Chairpersons.

  5. Designate and appoint Affiliate representatives to State external organizations.

  6. Coordinate communications between the Affiliate, the Regional Representative, and ACNM.

  7. Declare election results and communicate those results to the Regional Representative and to ACNM.

  8. The President, in consultation with the Treasurer, is empowered to jointly approve expenditures under and up to a predetermined amount in accordance with the Standard Rules and Operating Procedures developed by the Board of Directors.

  9. Attend monthly virtual Board meetings.

Representative from Under-Represented Group

  1. Voting member of the Board.

  2. Attend monthly virtual Board meetings.

  3. Acts as liaison and represents the interests of a community under-represented in midwifery and/or on the CNMA Board

  4. Two year term, may serve up to two consecutive terms.

Reproductive Justice & Anti-Racism Chair

  1. Voting member of the Board.

  2. Attend monthly virtual Board meetings.

  3. Responsible for guiding CNMA in our aim to become an organization committed to the reproductive-justice framework and to become and anti-racist organization.

  4. Acts as liaison between the Board and the Reproductive Justice Anti-Racism Committee.

  5. Chairs and directs the activities of the Reproductive Justice & Anti-Racism Committee

  6. Two year term, may serve up to two consecutive terms.

Southern California Representative

  1. Voting member of the Board.

  2. Attend monthly virtual Board meetings.

  3. Develop relationships with the members of the region.

  4. Establish two-way communication with regional chapter chairs and members to update them on affiliate issues; and bring chapters’ and members’ issues, comments, needs, and requests from regional members to the Board.

  5. Should attend their own chapter meetings.

  6. Help lead and organize in-district visits and advocacy efforts.

  7. Stay involved and participate in events in their region as a representative of CNMA.

  8. Two year term, may serve up to two consecutive terms.


  1. Perform all duties commonly incident to and vested in the office of Treasurer of a corporation, as well as all duties delegated by the President, including, but not limited to the administration of the fiscal and financial policies of the Affiliate.

  2. Supervise the maintenance of accurate corporate books.

  3. Act as custodian of the funds of the Affiliate and as signatory to the Corporation’s bank account in order to issue the checks and drafts of the Corporation as directed by the Board.

  4. Present itemized financial reports at each meeting of the Affiliate.

  5. Maintain a list of members with ACNM and Affiliate dues currently paid.

  6. The Treasurer, in consultation with the President, is empowered to jointly approve expenditures under and up to a predetermined amount in accordance with the Standard Rules and Operating Procedures developed by the Board of Directors.

Proposed Updates to CNMA Bylaws

The following proposed updates to the bylaws will be voted on in the upcoming election:

Article III. Membership and Privileges, Section B. Classification, Qualifications and Privileges of Members, subsection 1. shall be amended to include the new classification of Active Retired Members in alignment with the ACNM updated bylaws, as follows:

Active and Active Retired members (as defined by ACNM) in the Affiliate may make motions, vote and hold office.

Article III. Membership and Privileges, Section E. Membership Dues, subsection 5. shall be amended to define membership dues for Active Retired Members in alignment with the ACNM updated bylaws, as follows:

Active Retired membership (as defined by ACNM) dues shall be in the amount of $50.

Article VI. Board of Directors, Section E. Terms of Office of the Voting Members of the Board of Directors, subsection 1. shall be amended to extend the terms of offices to include an additional year as “Immediate Past”member to allow mentorship of incoming board members. The language would be updated as follows:

All members of the Board of Directors shall be elected to serve a term of 2 years in voting capacity, plus one year as “Immediate Past” member (i.e., Immediate Past Northern California Representative”). Each member shall serve in voting capacity until their term is completed or a successor is elected and assumes Office. Once their successor has assumed office, each member will transition to the role of “Immediate Past” member, and serve to mentor the incoming member, offer support and guidance, serve as a source of continuity, and ensure historical context for important issues pertaining to their role.

California Health Policy and Professional Practice

CNMA is continuing to make progress with our 2022 legislative agenda. For more information, go to for legislative updates.

Does your practice need help with policies and protocols now that physician supervision is no longer required by law? CNMA is here to help! Email with your questions or to set up a meeting with our team.

Volunteer Opportunities

AMCB Research Committee

The AMCB Research Committee is a diverse group of subject matter experts (CMs & CNMs) who represent midwives of different races, ethnicities, genders, practice settings, clinical experiences, locations, etc. The committee conducts a task analysis survey of newly certified CNMs/CMs to ensure that the national certification examination reflects current entry-level midwifery practice. This committee is also responsible for conducting internal research relevant to the mission of the corporation and approving external research projects. For more information, please click here. To be considered for a position on the Research Committee, please submit your CV or resume, two references, Consent to Serve, Confidentiality Affidavit, and Conflict of Interest to Lori Havens, Manager of Data and Research, by August 15, 2022.

AWHONN Post-Birth Warning Signs Save Your Life Handout Patient Evaluations Research Call for Applicants

Would you like to collaborate with AWHONN on a research study to seek input from the patient’s perspective and feedback about the Save Your Life handout and its benefits as a resource for discharge education? We are looking for a Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Investigator (Co-I). The timeline for this project is approximately 10 months which includes: onboarding, identification, recruitment of patients and possible revision of the AWHONN PBWS SYL Handout. Apply by August 19, 2022.

ACNM Midwives-Political Action Committee (PAC) Student Representatives

ACNM is actively recruiting for two ACNM Midwives-Political Action Committee (PAC) student representatives! PAC is the fundraising arm of ACNM legislative efforts. Fundraising money is used primarily as campaign donations to targeted legislators - those who have historically supported midwifery and women's health initiatives. As a PAC student rep, you would be an integral part of this fundraising team. This position is a great way to network with midwives throughout the US and can be a perfect (and easy!) component of your leadership development and understanding of midwifery-relevant policy. For more information, please contact Caitlin Mayhew.

ACNM Foundation Board of Trustees

The A.C.N.M. Foundation Board of Trustees is seeking new mission-oriented board candidates who will enhance board expertise in areas that advance our strategic priorities and who reflect the diversity of the ACNM membership. Read the full announcement on Bulletin Board!

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants

CNMF Back to School Scholarships for Student Midwives

California Student Midwives are our first priority. We would like to get funding into your hands to support the success of your education and help you thrive during your program. CNMF invests in the diversification of midwifery care and understands that the barriers to completing your program are unique to you. CNMF prioritizes communities historically excluded from midwifery in our funding (BIPOC, LGBTQ+). We encourage you to use our simple one page application to request funds! Our funding averages to $500 per student. If additional funding is needed, we will consider it on an individual basis. Apply now!

Birth Justice Rapid Response Fund

The National Birth Equity Collaborative (NBEC), in partnership with The Praxis Project, SisterSong, Groundswell Fund, and Ms. Foundation for Women, announced the launch of a multi-million dollar Birth Justice Rapid Response Fund (Birth Justice RRF), with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The intent of the fund is to provide organizations with financial resources to support community power building and promote birth justice efforts in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities including Black, Brown, Indigenous, Latine/x, Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI)); transgender, gender-nonconforming, nonbinary, and queer people of color; low-income women of color; and/or low-income transgender, gender-nonconforming, nonbinary, and queer people of color. The Birth Justice RRF will launch in three waves with the first beginning in summer 2022. The fund will award a total of $500,000 in each wave, with individual awards up to $50,000. Click here to learn more about this funding opportunity and application requirements.

2022 Wayachi Seed Grant ($5,000) - for BIPOC/People of Color Applicants

Wayachi Seed Grant project proposals must have a primary focus on meeting the direct needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). BIPOC applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply, including midwives, students, retirees, community groups, advocates, and other health professionals who work with under-resourced BIPOC communities. Applications are due by October 9th, 2022.

Education, Trainings, and Webinars

CNMA Abortion Workshop

Save the date! CNMA will be offering an abortion workshop the day BEFORE the annual meeting on Saturday, November 5, 2022. More information coming soon!

CNMA Annual Meeting

This year’s annual meeting will be held at the iconic Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo on Sunday, November 6, 2022, 7:30 am - 5:30pm. Both in person and virtual options available.

Current topics include Advanced Practice Nurses in Abortion Care, Environmental influences on the developing fetus, Outpatient Induction, and Maneuvers for Vaginal Breech delivery.

  • 8 CEs provided

  • Breakfast and Lunch provided

  • Evening dance party!

  • Vaccinated hugs!

Come join us, vaccinated and masked, for a day of camaraderie, learning, and being together in solidarity as we learn, network and grow as providers.

Visit for registration and more information about the meeting.

And…Print and post the Annual Meeting Flier HERE!

Respectful Maternity Care Research Study

Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) is a critical element needed to improve the quality of care and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. AWHONN’s Respectful Maternity Care Program, developed by a team of expert nurse scientists and clinicians, is designed to provide health care professionals in maternity settings with the tools necessary to integrate respectful maternity care into their area of work or influence. We are seeking 10-12 obstetric clinical sites across the country to collaborate with AWHONN on a study including the adoption of the Respectful Maternity Program to measure nurse and patient perceptions of change. Please join us on August 2 at 11 AM PST for an informational session presented by Catherine M. Hill, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC. No nursing contact hours are available for this informational webinar. The webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend.

Medi-Cal for Midwives, with Tesa Kurin, LM

This weekly series will cover everything you need to know to get started as a Medi-Cal professional: The application process, business requirements, documentation, and more. You will get step by step guides to filling out billing forms for professional services and facility claims, including access to the billing code list most commonly used in Midwifery care and how to bill transfers. You’ll gain access to templates for LOAs, referrals, letters for clients and more. I'm going to share with you all my "learned the hard way" lessons and how I run my clinic model. I will share how my practice is doing financially with this payment method, what I would do again and what I would change. Need your billing back end set up? We have the perfect solution for you. In less than 24 hours we can set up your back up billing on client care. You will be able to create claims in less than 5 minutes, saving time and money. Every week we will end with a 30 min Q & A session. Every registered practice will receive a 1-hour complimentary private session to discuss your practice needs, concerns, and struggles. Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 PST, August 3, 2022 - August 31, 2022.

Register here.

Take Ten Steps Up for Breastfeeding

On August 3, 2022 from 8:00 - 9:30 AM, please join the Global Breastfeeding Collective at a webinar about the Ten Steps to Breastfeeding to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week. At the event, you will learn about tools and resources to help adopt baby-friendly, evidence-based practices to support breastfeeding in health systems, and be inspired by stories about the Ten Steps in action.

Register here.

Enhanced Lactation Support for Small and Nutritionally At-Risk Infants

Immediately following Take Ten Steps Up for Breastfeeding, the MAMI Global Network (Management of small & nutritionally At-risk Infants under six months & their Mothers), and the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group will share two more steps you can take to save lives: Enhanced Lactation Support for Small and Nutritionally At Risk infants <6mo: Learn more about the MAMI Care Pathway and 10 Years of Progress: Protecting the Diets of Infants and Young Children in Emergencies. August 3, 2022, 9:30-10:00 AM PST.

Register here.

The Time is Now: Ensuring Reproductive Health Access, Justice and Equity Beyond Roe v. Wade

Please join the Los Angeles County Women’s Health Equity Coalition for our summer webinar on sexual and reproductive health, including abortion. The Supreme Court of the United States has reversed 50 years of legal precedent and eliminated the Constitutional right to abortion care. Overnight, millions of people in states hostile to reproductive health services lost access to abortion care and California could see an almost 3,000% increase in people driving to our state to access abortion services. Given that Los Angeles County is a major metropolitan transportation hub, it is highly anticipated that people from across the country will come to Los Angeles to obtain the abortion care and other reproductive health services they will not be able to access in their home states or counties. The time is NOW. We must prepare and ensure that reproductive health care and abortion services in Los Angeles County becomes equitably accessible for all. Register today! Who Should Attend: Reproductive health stakeholders, funders, community-based organizations, advocates, legislative staff, health care providers and other health professionals, and community health workers. Aug 4, 2022 09:30 AM - 12:30 PM.

Register here.

Black Women For Wellness Reproductive Justice Conference

Join us from August 5th- August 19th virtually for Black Reproductive Justice Month. There will be a series of workshops, conversations, panels, and in-person events as we explore ways to broaden best practices addressing maternal health, environmental justice, public policy, and reproductive health in the Black community. This year due to a generous sponsorship donation we are able to host the conference for free and all attendees can receive up to 15 CHES credits. Learn more and register here!

The 'Perfect' Baby?: The Dangers of Gene Editing in Assisted Reproduction

Gene editing technology like CRISPR may have potential to treat diseases, but does editing future generations go too far? Join renowned bioethicist Françoise Baylis, reproductive justice activist Nourbese Flint, and disability rights scholar and activist Karen Nakamura on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 from 10am to 11am PT for a conversation about the societal and ethical implications of human gene editing in the context of assisted reproductive technology. This free, online discussion will be moderated by Osagie Obasogie, professor of law and bioethics at UC Berkeley. You'll also hear from Meghna Mukherjee and Nairi Shirinian, the authors of the recently published report, "Engineering for Perfection: The False Promises of Gene Editing in Assisted Reproduction".

Register here.

Intrapartum Guidelines for Nurse-Midwives

Intrapartum clinical practice guidelines for midwives can improve the quality of care and patient outcomes. Such improvements, however, often relate to the level of rigor in guideline development, to assure quality and utilize the most recent and best evidence. This presentation will explore the process of appraising guidelines and guideline development. At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to: state the importance of clinical guidelines, understand the process of appraising guidelines, and know how to develop a guideline. Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 4-5 PM PST. 1 CE. $14.99 (Students), $24.99 (Members), $29.99 (Student Non-Members), $49.99 (Non-Members).

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy in Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum

What is pelvic health physical therapy and how can it help my patients? Pelvic health physical therapy can be beneficial for those patients who have diagnosed dysfunction of the pelvis, but it can also be helpful for individuals without dysfunction or pain, trying to stay active and be informed about their bodies. At the end of this presentation, attendees will have a further understanding of pelvic health physical therapy and the common treatments and benefits for patients; preconception, during pregnancy, and postpartum. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: describe what pelvic health physical therapy is and why it is important to see a specialist instead of just taking care of it on your own; screen a patient for pelvic floor dysfunction, so that they understand one component of determining when a patient is appropriate for pelvic health physical therapy; describe how pelvic health physical therapy can benefit patients pre-conception, during pregnancy, and postpartum; and understand what a treatment plan looks like for pelvic health physical therapy. Wednesday, August 17, 2022, 4-5 PM PST. 1 CE. $14.99 (Students), $24.99 (Members), $29.99 (Student Non-Members), $49.99 (Non-Members).

Sexuality: Creating A Safe Space for our Patients

Patients who have a history of ongoing pelvic pain, dyspareunia, vaginismus, or have experienced some degree of sexual trauma are often disassociated from their bodies. They come into appointments often emotionally afraid, physically guarded and potentially resistant to internal exams. This webinar will explore ways to decrease patient anxiety and provide ways midwives can help patients be present in their bodies. It will also give participants some tools in helping patients navigate sexual challenges in general. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: understand the psychosocial profile of a sexual trauma survivor, demonstrate the essential components in creating a "climate of safety" before an internal exam, outline the five stages of emotions and how to work with flashbacks and disassociation, list ways to help sexual trauma survivors be fully present and embodied during an exam, describe common sexual challenges patients experience and ways of navigating these challenges, relate how our own comfort level with the topic of sexuality can impact our effectiveness and ability to create safety for the patient, and explore ways midwives can refresh and re-energize themselves after working with patients with a history of sexual trauma. Wednesday, August 31, 2022, 4-5 PM PST. 1 CE. $14.99 (Students), $24.99 (Members), $29.99 (Student Non-Members), $49.99 (Non-Members).

68th ACNM Annual Meeting and Exhibition Call for Abstracts

The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) Annual Meeting & Exhibition is the premier opportunity for midwives, students, and other women’s health care providers to polish professional and clinical skills. Submissions for general abstracts are now open! Abstracts are invited that demonstrate a link to the theme “Reimagine and Rebuild – Midwifery Insights for the Future of Healthcare.” We welcome submissions that describe innovative approaches to clinical, professional, business, leadership, and education issues in midwifery.

Apply by September 7.

Maternal Mental Health Web-Based Certificate Training

Together with Postpartum Support International, 2020 Mom has developed a Maternal Mental Health Certificate Training for Mental Health and Clinical Professionals. Classes kick off on September 12th. Clinicians are invited to this online MMH training course, which includes eight live sessions, small group discussions, supplemental reading materials, 16 continuing education credits (where applicable), and a certificate of completion. All classes are live from 10am-12pm PT, on Mondays. All presentations are recorded and available to registered participants.

2022 AABC Birth Institute

Join us in San Diego, California for the 2022 AABC Birth Institute: Birth Centers Rising on the Tides of Change, September 15-18, 2022. The AABC Birth Institute is the gathering place for freestanding birth centers, alongside midwifery units, midwives, doulas, physicians, entrepreneurs, and all others dedicated to expanding equitable, evidence-based care in all communities. This year’s keynote speakers include Kayden X Coleman (AKA Papa Seahorse), Jennie Joseph, LM, CPM, RM (UK), Dr. Heather Clarke DNP, CNM, APRN, LM, FACNM, and Diana Jolles, PhD CNM, FACNM. This year the AABC Birth Institute offers even more opportunities for networking. This is an opportunity to meet with your peers and discuss important issues you're facing. This year the focus of the meeting is staffing and retention of providers, clinical and non-clinical staff.

Learn more here.

ACNM Midwifery Works! Call for Abstracts

ACNM invites you to submit an abstract for Midwifery Works! The Midwifery Works! Meeting will be held at the Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa in Henderson, NV, October 6-9, 2022. Midwifery Works! is a major professional development conference produced by ACNM and designed by the Midwifery Business Network. This highly affordable conference is focused on helping midwives acquire and enhance their management skills. This meeting inspires Midwifery professionals to dive deeper into the skills you need for a successful and impactful midwifery career. Click here to submit your session abstract!

7th Edition of the TEACH Abortion Training Curriculum

The 7th Edition of the TEACH Abortion Training Curriculum is now available for free or donation on the TEACH website. This curriculum is the result of the collective work of many people. We are deeply grateful for every contribution. Every individual that shared their comments and critiques shaped and transformed this curriculum into the version we present to you today. In this Edition, we have focused on:

  • Integrating reproductive justice principles throughout the chapters and exercises

  • Exercises and tools to guide trainers and learners on self-reflection of their identities and how these many impact the learning climate, patient care, and clinical environment

  • Telemedicine MAB implementation, evidence, and processes

  • Self-managed abortion, particularly self-managed medication abortion

  • Updates on pain management for people who use opioids

  • Updates on pregnancy of unknown location

  • Updates on new contraception options

  • Policy and legal considerations for a changing landscape

Comprehensive Newborn Care Guide for Midwives

The Comprehensive Newborn Assessment Course for Midwives will walk you through the physical examination from head to toe. You’ll learn how much we can discover just by looking at a baby. We will talk about common client educational topics and routine newborn screenings, as well as the business side of newborn care like policies, billing, and consents.With lifetime access to over 20 hours of content and resources, whether you are a newer midwife or well seasoned in your services, this course is the perfect educational opportunity for you to keep newborn babies healthy in the days and weeks after they are born! Register here.

COVID Care Tips for Midwives

This course contains over 5hrs of videos, content, policies, guidelines, and resources to care for mothers and babies in your midwifery practice. We have two amazing instructors that joined forces to make this course available to everyone: Rhanishia Smith, FNP & Dr. Jill Chasse, PhD, DrPH, IMD, MSpsy, CCTS-P. Register here.

To view previously listed educational opportunities, please visit our website at

Job Opportunities

Kaiser Napa Solano

The Certified Nurse Midwives of Kaiser Napa Solano have the opportunity to expand our service by hiring an experienced midwife into a hospitalist Per Diem position. Our practice is honored to care for birthing people and families from diverse socioeconomic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. We attend births at the Kaiser Hospitals in both Vallejo and Vacaville. Vallejo is one of the most diverse cities in California, and we serve a large Medi-Cal population. The midwifery group also provides prenatal care, postpartum visits, and Centering Pregnancy in Vallejo, Vacaville, Fairfield and Napa. We are a close and supportive group and are fortunate to have excellent working relationships with our physician and nursing colleagues. Kaiser is committed to creating a culture of inclusion and a diverse workforce. Please reach out to Anne Vosler, CNM at if you want to learn more, and thank you for considering! Kaiser jobs website: Working at Kaiser Permanente - Kaiser Permanente ( Search for Kaiser Permanente Job Code: 1079604.

Mission Bernal Women’s Clinic (Sutter Health, CPMC)

The Mission Bernal Women's Clinic is posting for both a full time and a per diem CNM position. We are looking for full scope CNM coverage including gyn care, abortion care, prenatal services and centering-style prenatal groups. The Mission Bernal Women's Clinic (Sutter Health, CPMC) is a long-standing collaborative practice of midwives and OBGYNs located in the Mission District of San Francisco with 24-7 midwifery services. In-patient services are located at the CPMC Van Ness Campus, which is a high-risk center that includes MFM services and a Level 3 NICU. The hospital offers extensive patient education resources through our Newborn Connections program and is in the process of obtaining Baby Friendly Designation. We serve a diverse patient population that includes many monolingual Spanish speaking patients. We are looking for two midwives to join our wonderful and close-knit midwife/OBGYN team. Apply here and here.

Medi-Cal Rx

The Medi-Cal Rx Monthly Bulletin for July is available. The monthly bulletin consists of alerts and notices posted to the Bulletins & News page on the Medi-Cal Rx Web Portal. Sign up for the Medi-Cal Rx Subscription Service to be notified when new information is posted. Additional information is available below:

Midwife Crush Mondays!

Do you know an amazing Midwife who is doing revolutionary work? We want to feature them on our social media platforms!

CNMA is looking for submissions for our new social media series “Midwife Crush Monday” where we highlight the stories of trailblazing midwives across the industry who are making a difference in the midwifery profession. You can even submit yourself!

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Midwife’s name (include pronouns)

  • Affiliated organization(s)

  • Why you became a midwife (and anything awesome you’d like to brag about)

  • Headshot/Photo if available

  • Bonus: Please include social media handles for tagging!

Please send submissions to for consideration!



The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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Please send all general inquiries to

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