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Updated: Oct 1, 2021




Message from the President: It’s time to vote!

Hello California Midwives, Student Midwives, and Midwife Supporters!

In the next few days, you will receive a very important ballot in your email in-box. And, you should have already received another important ballot in your mailbox (the old-fashioned kind, delivered by the US Postal Service). Yes, it’s time to vote on CNMA Bylaws, CNMA Board Members, and on whether or not the governor of this great state should stay in office.

While most of you have likely been laser focused on the politics and drama of the CNMA election (haha), I wanted to remind you of how important it is to vote in the California Gubernatorial Recall Election, too.

Voting in California is easy. Unfortunately, special elections like this one tend to have very low turnout. Why? Apathy, confusion, and a general lack of information all come into play.

But there’s a lot on the line here for California midwives and the people we serve.

This election matters, and it might just matter a lot:

  • Being governor comes with a lot of power, including the final say on bills that make it through the legislature, executive order, and the power to appoint representatives to various positions of power -- which may include Senator Feinstein’s replacement. So in essence, we’re not just deciding who will be governor, we’re deciding who will have the power to seat other powerful people.

  • SB 1237 (Dodd), the bill that passed last year and gave CNMs the right to practice without physician supervision is still being implemented. We still need the legislature to fund important parts of the bill, and for the governor to approve that funding.

  • SB 65 (Skinner), the California Momnibus Bill which focuses on birth equity and includes a provision for funding midwifery education in California is moving quickly through the legislature. If passed, it will require approval by the governor to become law.

  • Reproductive justice issues, such as Medi-Cal coverage for doula care and STI screening, affordable contraceptives, and access to community-based birth are all on the policy agenda with slow progress, but no guarantees. The governor will have significant say on how these initiatives take shape.

  • Finally, access to abortion care could be on the line. Have you heard the news on Roe v. Wade across the country recently? In fact, the leading candidate to replace our current governor has made his position clear that he “doesn’t believe in Roe” and that it was “one of the worst decisions that the Supreme Court ever handed down.”

How to vote in the California Gubernatorial Recall Election:

You should have already received your mail-in-ballots, which has two questions:

Question 1: “Shall GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?”

  • Vote NO on Question 1 if you want the current Governor to continue to be the governor.

  • Vote YES on Question 1 if you want the current Governor to be immediately replaced by whoever gets the most votes on the back of the ballot.

Question 2: You are given a list of 45 “Candidates to succeed GAVIN NEWSOM as Governor if he is recalled.”

Question 2 only comes into play if Newsom is recalled because a majority of voters voted yes on Question 1. If 50.1% of voters choose to recall Newsom, then whoever on the second side has the most votes will become governor, even if that’s a very small number of votes. Newsom is not a candidate in Question 2.

Remember to sign the outside of the envelope, and then vote on or BEFORE September 14!

  • Mail in your ballot

  • Drop off your ballot in a county drop box

  • Vote in person during the last few days of the election

Now, let’s be clear. I’m not here to tell you what or who to vote for. I’m simply urging you to vote. This election matters, and your voice is powerful. We need every midwife to use their ballot to advocate for reproductive justice and the issues that matter most to the people we care for.

In the spirit of service and advocacy,

Paris Maloof-Bury, CNM, IBCLC

President, California Nurse-Midwives Association


Register for the CNMA Annual Meeting!

The CNMA Annual Meeting will take place on November 6-7, 2021 in Millbrae, California (just a few miles from San Francisco). We are delighted to offer both in person and virtual access for the 2021 CNMA Annual Meeting. Day 1 includes 8 CEUs and an after hours dance party. Day 2 will offer a FREE anti-racism preceptor workshop. Register here!

November 6th, 8am-5pm

The main event!

In-Person or Virtual Attendance

Breakfast and Lunch Included

8 CEs offered

Shuttle from the airport available

$250 in-person ($250 members/$350 non-members)

$$$ Discounts for students and retirees!

$85 virtual (includes CEs)


November 6th, 7pm-10pm


Drinks, dessert, and dancing to support CNMA's sister organization (a 501c(3))

Tickets sold separately


November 7th, 12-4pm

Day 2: An Optional Anti-Racist Clinical Teaching Interactive Workshop

(25 free tickets, first come, first serve!)

Tickets registered separately.


California Health Policy

SB 65 (Skinner) Momnibus Bill

As we close this legislative season, CNMA thanks all of you so much for your ongoing efforts to pass SB 65 - The Maternal Health "Momnibus" Bill. This bill will be heard on the Assembly Floor any day now! This is the last stop before reaching the Governor's desk, so your calls are urgently needed RIGHT NOW. Fortunately, many parts of SB 65 were included in the State's Budget Act (and thus were amended out of the bill). You can find out more about that from CNMA's August Newsletter.

As the bill moves forward, it includes:

  • The California Midwifery Workforce Training Fund. This is a fund is being created to to support midwifery education programs (both CNM and LM programs) in California that have a component of training designed for medically underserved multicultural communities, lower socioeconomic neighborhoods, or rural communities, and that are organized to prepare program graduates for service in those neighborhoods and communities, or that seek to recruit and retain racially and ethnically diverse students, underrepresented groups, or people from underserved or historically marginalized communities

  • Freedom from Welfare to Work restrictions for pregnant people on CalWORKs

  • Birth data on lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and gender-nonconforming pregnant people in California

  • Updates to the state's Pregnancy Associated Review Committee investigating maternal death

  • Updates the Fetal Infant Mortality Review process to better collect information and prevent future infant deaths


California Selected to Participate in the Institute for Medicaid Innovation (IMI) Midwifery Learning Collaborative

California was selected to participate in IMI's Midwifery Learning Collaborative. Only 5 states were selected to participate in this innovative collaboration between state agencies, Medi-Cal health plans, midwifery practices, and community/consumer advocacy groups. The purpose of this collaborative is to provide support, resources, and guidance for state-based teams looking to identify current problems, and their related strategies for developing sustainable initiatives to advance midwifery-led models of care for the Medicaid population in their communities. The California team will have the opportunity to customize their journey and select areas of focus, whether it be reimbursement, benefits, contracting, and more. You can find out who is currently participating here. Please email if you and your practice are interested in taking part in this project.


National Policy

Midwives for MOMS Bill

Thank you to all who have already raised awareness through posting on social media, letter writing and making calls! The work for Midwives for MOMS continues!

Our bill, Midwives for MOMS is officially introduced in the House AND Senate! You can show your support for this incredible midwifery education focused bill at our voter voice page. You can also participate by calling or sending a letter. It is crucial to engage with legislators now to educate them about midwifery. As you are aware, there is a shortage of providers, and we need to build up the midwifery and healthcare workforce. Now is the time to make some noise for this bill! We need ALL midwives and midwife supporters to spread the word about Midwives for MOMS through social media and all communication portals. Everything you need is available in this social media toolkit, or follow the California Nurse-Midwives Association on Facebook, IG, and Twitter for shareable posts on this bill. Let’s tell congress how important midwives are!

Tweet your representatives at:

  • Doris O. Matsui @DorisMatsui

  • Jerry McNerney @RepMcNerney

  • Tony Cardenas @RepCardenas

  • Raul Ruiz @RepRaulRuizMD

  • Nanette Diaz Barragan @RepBarragan

  • Scott H. Peters @RepScottPeters

  • Anna G. Eshoo @RepAnnaEshoo

Stay tuned for more information from ACNM on our virtual fall advocacy conference November 15-16th! when we will take to the offices (by zoom :)) to meet with reps on this bill. If you don't know who they are, check out this link to find your Representative and this one to find your Senators.

Push for Paid Leave in the US: The FAMILY Act

Ask your member of Congress to support the Family Act by clicking here!

In 1993 the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was passed, marking the first national unpaid leave policy. The law, which applies to employers with 50 or more employees, stipulates eligible workers can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave to care for a newborn or newly adopted child; to care for a spouse, child, or parent with a severe medical condition; to recover from a serious health condition themselves, or to take military family leave. Although the FMLA provided job protection for some workers, eligibility standards and the unpaid nature of the law results in fewer than 60% of workers utilizing leave. Recent research shows that up to 23% of employed mothers return to their workplace within ten days of giving birth because of their inability to afford to take any more time off. Without a paid leave policy, 30% of working women leave their jobs after giving birth. Women of color are especially harmed by unpaid leave: 71% of Hispanic workers, 67% of American Indian and Alaskan Native workers, 61% of Black workers, and 54% of Asian American and Pacific Islander workers are either ineligible or cannot afford to take FMLA leave.

The Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMILY) Act, led by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), would change that! It puts forth a comprehensive federal paid family and medical leave policy utilizing the results from state models. The FAMILY Act drastically broadens eligibility by modeling the program after Social Security Disability Insurance coverage rules, which cover 94 percent of workers—roughly 176 million workers in 2021—and offers 12 weeks of paid leave. The financing of this national program would be done through a modest payroll tax, which has large support from both sides of the political aisle as this would split the cost between employees and employers.


Volunteer with CNMA!

San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Chair

San Francisco Bay Area Midwives! We are seeking a new chapter chair (or co-chairs) to take over for the Bay Area Chapter. Duties of the chapter chair include presiding at all chapter meetings, maintaining communication among chapter members and with CNMA, and developing a plan/agenda for chapter meetings. BIPOC CNMs are especially invited to apply, as CNMA is actively working to bring more BIPOC CNMs into leadership positions throughout the state. This is an exciting role which will allow you to promote networking and engagement among your fellow local area midwives. You will be supported by your fellow leadership team (vice chair, secretary, and treasurer) as well as by CNMA who is here to help you every step of the way! If you're interested in taking on this role, please email our membership chair, Emily Carter at

Communications Committee

Our Communications Committee is seeking members to help create content for and interact with followers in CNMA social media! If you enjoy social media, this is the committee for you. Please contact for more details. #MidwivesWhoLoveSocialMedia

Seeking Assistant Membership Chair!

The CNMA Membership Chair is seeking someone to fill an assistant membership chair role. The membership chair is responsible for communications with new and existing members as well as developing new and creative ways to increase membership and improve engagement. I am looking for someone to take part in brainstorming and carrying out ideas, as well as assisting with tasks such as emailing and updating membership records. This role can be tailored to fit your interests and skills. If you have a desire to help shape the future of our organization please contact Emily Carter at

Continuing Education Committee

The CNMA Continuing Education Committee is responsible for planning and hosting the CNMA Annual Meeting each year, and is now taking on the added responsibility of creating continuing education content that will be available through (coming soon!). Please consider joining this small and focused team. The work is targeted and specific, but there’s still plenty of room for creativity. Interested members, please contact

Midwifery Workforce Development and Education Support Committee

This new committee will focus on building and diversifying the CNM workforce in California, including strategizing to increase the number of clinical placement sites and preceptors in California, establishing and maintaining two-way communication between midwifery programs that have student nurse-midwives in California and the CNMA Board of Directors, and fostering and supporting student mentoring programs. They will work alongside the Student Representatives to the CNMA Board of Directors. Ideal candidates include any of the following:

  • Lead and Chief Midwives from practices throughout the state

  • At least one representative from each midwifery program that has student midwives in California

  • Midwives who are passionate about supporting students and educators

  • Midwives who are passionate about mentoring

  • Midwives who are passionate about scaling up midwifery in California

Please contact for more information.


COVID-19 Vaccine

FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine

On Aug. 23, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization, including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals. Read more here.

COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy and Lactation

The CDC now recommends that all people 12 years and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future, receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Evidence about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy has been growing. These data suggest that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine outweigh any known or potential risks of vaccination during pregnancy. There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men. Read more here.


Education, Trainings, and Webinars

Free Virtual Screening of “Belly of the Beast”

Join SisterSong and partners on Wednesday, September 1st at 4 PM PST for a virtual screening of "Belly of the Beast", which showcases the fight of formerly incarcerated people in California seeking justice for eugenics practices that disproportionately affected women of color. The legacy of eugenics continues to bleed into state institutions across the country. Black, Indigenous, Latinx, incarcerated people, people with disabilities, and poor people have been targeted for sterilizations. Our lawmakers have failed to see the urgency of ending the legacy of eugenics in our state and federal government for decades. How many more headlines of forced sterilizations will it take for our elected officials to take action? Join SisterSong in demanding that our government #StopSterilizations. Add your name to the petition urging action!

Transforming White Privilege on the Path to Racial Equity in Maternity Care

We invite you to join us on Thursdays from 2-4:30 PM PST, October 7 - November 4, to explore our understanding of white privilege, racism, and anti-blackness. We will examine the history of race and racism and the culture of white supremacy and white fragility, as we learn to interrupt the harmful effects of racism. Engaging with readings, videos, exercises, personal stories, and restorative practices, we will build a supportive, healing community while we cultivate the skills needed to show up together as white midwives and birth workers to do the work of dismantling racism in maternity care. To register, please email a paragraph expressing your interest and motivation for taking the course to our facilitators at by September 1. We ask that you plan to attend all of the sessions and do the assigned videos and readings for each class. This class has been created especially for white midwives and birth workers. Please share if you have any special concerns or recommendations.

Saving the Lives of Moms and Babies

The National Partnership for Women & Families has joined the National Birth Equity Collaborative to produce the Saving the Lives of Moms & Babies series. The 10-part series connects the dots between how different socioeconomic factors affect maternal and infant health, the outsize impact these factors have on Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) communities, and recommendations to effect the change we need to ensure all moms and babies thrive. Saving the Lives of Moms & Babies: Addressing Racism and Socioeconomic Influencers of Health presents a ground-breaking summary of how racism directly affects the bodies of moms and babies.

Maternal Mental Health Certificate Training

PSI and 2020 Mom present a Maternal Mental Health Certificate Training for Mental Health and Clinical Professionals. This online webinar series includes eight live sessions, small group discussions, supplemental reading materials, 16 continuing education credits (where applicable), and a certificate of completion. Credits count towards PMH-C certification. Classes are on Mondays, according to the schedule, from 10 AM -12 PM PST; However, classes are recorded and can be watched at any time. Next class begins September 13, 2021. Register by September 8, 2021 PST.

Complimentary Maternal Mental Health 101 Webinar

Hosted by 2020 Mom, Postpartum Support International presents the complimentary webinar where attendees can learn about the various Maternal Mental Health Disorders, the differences between them, risk factors, and treatment options. This webinar is designed for providers, administrators, and public health employees, though all are welcome. September 9th, 2021 10:30am - 12:00pm PST Register here. Registrants will receive the recording and resource list.

Recruit, Train, and Retain: Addressing the Nursing Shortage

Join AWHONN and Synova on September 9 from 6:30 AM - 1:45 PM PST for a one-day interactive educational session focusing on the nursing shortage through recruitment, training, and retainment strategies. Dynamic speakers will provide education on integrating professional nursing standards into orientation and retention procedures, applying unique approaches to diversify the nursing workforce, and implementing successful techniques to help your organization stand out in recruitment, orientation, and retention of nurses. Breakout focus groups will provide opportunities to discuss and share the successes and barriers surrounding these key topics and stimulate conversation to address the nursing shortage. $99, 6 CEUs. Register here.

Opioid and Diversion Awareness: The current state of the opioid epidemic

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will be hosting four FREE one-day virtual sessions designed for those who are certified to prescribe controlled substances. Space is limited to the first 3,000 attendees per session. The Federation of State Medical Boards designates this live activity for a maximum of 3.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

You may only attend one session:

  • Tuesday, September 7, 2021 | 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (PST)

  • Wednesday, September 8, 2021 | 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (PST)

  • Thursday, September 16, 2021 | 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (PST)

  • Friday, September 17, 2021 | 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (PST)

Learn more and register. Please direct any questions to

Inclusive Healthcare in Perinatal Nursing

Identifying and rectifying our own biases allows us to improve the outcomes of our patients. This online session will explore challenges related to implicit bias, health equity, disparities, and health care outcomes, as well as strategies and recommendations for addressing implicit bias to achieve the goal of health equity in perinatal healthcare. Registration: $25.00 for AWHONN Members, $39.00 E-members, $50 Non-members. 1.25 Contact Hours

NRP 8th Edition: What’s New for Birth Centers?

Learn all about what’s new in the 8th edition of NRP at AABC’s Webinar Wednesday on September 18, 2021 at 12 PM PST. This $45 webinar will cover the differences between the Essentials and Advanced courses, look at the updated learning platform, and review updates in the algorithm. There will be a Q&A about the equipment and training and about the Birth Center Focused NRP Program. Learn more and register here.

PSI 2-Day Components of Care and Advanced Training

Postpartum support international is offering the 2-Day Components of Care and Advanced Trainings VIRTUALLY! All training dates offer the 2-day Components of Care, Advanced Psychotherapy, and Advanced Psychopharmacology (unless marked otherwise).

Reading Between the Lines: Understanding the Sinusoidal FHR Pattern

AWHONN invites you to expand your clinical skills with the interactive FHM Live Strip Review Series featuring leading thought leaders working in perinatal care. While an uncommon finding in electronic fetal monitoring, the sinusoidal pattern is associated with severe fetal anemia and requires prompt identification and action. September 20, 11 AM-12:30 PM PST. 1.5 nursing contact hours. Register here.

ACEs: The Science of Toxic Stress (Part 3)

Join us on September 22 at 12 p.m. for the final in a series of FREE webinars that explore the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. Dr. Rachel Gilgoff, Pediatric Integrative Medicine Fellow at the Stanford School of Medicine, will dive into how providers can develop their clinical response to ACEs and toxic stress, including treatment and follow-up plans. The webinar will cover: how to develop a clinical response to ACEs and toxic stress, the science behind each of the evidence-based strategies for toxic stress regulation, examples of clinical interventions for stress-mitigation strategies, and examples of internal and external support services for stress-mitigation strategies. Register here.

The Midwife as Surgical First Assistant

Midwives are encouraged to consider training to become a surgical first assistant as an expansion to their clinical practice. The Midwife Surgical First Assistant book is the initial step to gaining a foundation in assisting. The subsequent optional examination assesses the knowledge you have gained from studying the book and provides you with a certificate of completion. Earning the First Assistant Certificate of Completion is the next step to applying this new expanded skill to your midwifery practice.

September 23, 2021 | 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST | Register Here

November 3, 2021 | 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST | Register Here

December 6, 2021 | 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST | Register Here

Maternal Suicide in the US: The Latest Research and Data Collection Efforts

Join 2020 Mom on September 30 from 10-11:15 AM PST for a deep dive into maternal suicide. During this FREE webinar, attendees will receive a general overview of maternal suicide research and data collection in the U.S., learn the difference between suicide risk and suicidal ideation, maternal suicide risk factors, and efforts to standardize review by Maternal Mortality Review Committees. Learn more and register here.

Midwifery Works 2021

Registration is now open for the Midwifery Works, happening October 1-3, 2021 at The Guesthouse at Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee! Midwifery Works is a professional development conference produced by ACNM and designed by the Midwifery Business Network. We invite you to dive deeper into the skills you need for a successful and impactful midwifery career! Midwifery Works offers educational sessions and optional workshops that count as CEs.

Perinatal Psychiatry: Treatment during Pregnancy and Postpartum

This virtual course will focus on the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders during pregnancy and postpartum. Exposure to psychotropic medications and the consequence of untreated psychiatric disorders must be considered when treating pregnant women, those who may become pregnant during treatment, and those who are breastfeeding. Up to date and comprehensive knowledge is required to help patients make collaborative and individualized treatment decisions. Focused material will be presented on specialized psychotherapies utilized during pregnancy and postpartum, as well as an overview of embryology and obstetrics informing a broad range of care modalities. Learning in this course will be facilitated by didactic materials delivered by the faculty from the MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health. October 21, 2021 5.75 CEUs. $250. Register here.

Spinning Babies 2-Day Workshop

Santa Paula Midwives is hosting a 2-Day Spinning Babies Workshop November 5-6, 2021 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM at the Ventura County Medical Center. Spinning Babies presents a new perspective on the anatomy of fetal positioning and birth. Where dilation stalls, rotation solves! Spinning Babies reduces unnecessary cesareans with a paradigm-shifting approach to physiological birth. Instructor: Kelly Dungan, BSN, RNC-OB. Registration: $375, or $425 after October 23. 13 CEs available through ANCC and ACNM. For more information contact Denise Ellison, CNM at

25th Anniversary Nurse Leadership Forum

Synova welcomes all perinatal and neonatal nurse leaders in person to the 25th Anniversary Nurse Leadership Forum November 14-18, 2021 in Tucson, Arizona. Join us as we gain the confidence to step up to new opportunities, develop skill in navigating uncomfortable yet important conversations, deconstruct our understanding of other cultures and demographics and how they impact our work, and advance our emotional intelligence to foster the development of our teams. Learn more and register here. Submit an abstract for a poster presentation or for a 20 or 60 minute speaking spot by September 1, 2021.

The Science and Mystery of Pregnancy and Birth

The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 22nd International Congress will take place November 19-21, 2021. This three day virtual conference will feature ACNM’s President-Elect Heather Clarke, DNP, CNM, LM, APRN, RN, FACNM! Our growing knowledge about the complex prenatal and perinatal process relies on both the science of the known world and the mystery of the unknown. New aspects of this dynamic universal experience are discovered continually, and these discoveries offer hope and healing for the lives of mothers, babies, and families, which will shape our society. When we change how we think and teach about all dimensions of the birth experience, we are changing the world! Register here.


Scholarships and Grants

Free Access to Board Vitals Question Bank

Apply by September 3, 2021 for this opportunity to receive six months of free access to the Board Vitals question bank to assist with studying for the midwifery certification exam. This program is a part of the Midwives of Color Committee's efforts to support the advancement of people of color in the profession of midwifery. Twenty applicants will be chosen randomly from qualified applicants. ACNM Midwives of Color Committee (MOCC) invites members who have a current ACNM membership, have graduated from an ACME-accredited midwifery education program or plan to in the next six months, and identify as a person of color. Priority will go to students who have already graduated and are in the process of taking the certification exam.

Carrington-Hsia-Nieves Doctoral Scholarship for Midwives of Color

The Carrington-Hsia-Nieves Doctoral Scholarship for Midwives of Color is a $5,000 scholarship awarded to a certified nurse-midwife or certified midwife of color who is actively enrolled in doctoral or postdoctoral education and a current ACNM member. This award is named in honor of three of our most distinguished midwives of color: Betty Watts Carrington, CNM, Ph.D., FACNM; Lily Hsia, CNM, PNP, MSN, FACNM; and Nivia Nieves Fisch, CNM, FACNM. Funding comes from the A.C.N.M. Foundation's Midwives of Color Scholarship Fund. Apply by September 12, 2021.

Wayachi Seed Grant

The Wayachi Seed Grant is a $5,000 scholarship awarded to an ACNM member. The Project proposals must have a primary focus on meeting the direct needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), with preference to projects that address the Wayachi Fund purposes described on the foundation website. BIPOC/people of color applicants from diverse backgrounds are eligible and encouraged to apply, including midwives (CNM/CM/CPM/LM), students, retirees, community groups, advocates, and other health professionals who work with under-resourced BIPOC/people of color communities. Apply by October 8th, 2021.

Jeanne Raisler International Award for Midwifery

The ACNM Foundation announces the $3500 Jeanne Raisler International Award for Midwifery, a professional development grant that supports midwives to become involved in global midwifery. No past international experience is required. Apply by October 15th, 2021.


Job Opportunities

Sutter Women’s Health in Davis - Certified Nurse-Midwife

Sutter Women's Health in Davis is seeking a certified nurse-midwife to join us in an award winning and nationally recognized collaborative practice working in the office and community hospital setting. Sutter Davis Hospital has a Level 1 nursery and offers a full spectrum of labor and delivery options, including low intervention birth, TOLAC/VBAC, hydrotherapy, nitrous oxide, anesthesia, and a volunteer doula service. The hospital is expanding and we are excited to grow our practice to meet our community's needs. This full scope position includes obstetrics, family planning, simple gynecology, and group prenatal care. Additional highly desirable skills: maternal mental health, first and third trimester ultrasound, cesarean first assist, leadership, support of physiologic labor and birth, and experience with LARC methods. For more information, please contact Krysta Burris, Physician Recruiter, at

Sutter Women’s Health in Davis - Physician Position

Sutter Women's Health in Davis is seeking a full time OB-Gyn to join us in an award winning and nationally recognized collaborative practice working with certified nurse-midwives as part of a large multidisciplinary group, both in the office and community hospital setting. Sutter Davis Hospital offers a full spectrum of labor and delivery options, including low intervention birth, TOLAC/VBAC, hydrotherapy, anesthesia, and a volunteer doula service. The hospital is expanding and we are excited to grow our practice to meet our community's needs. Sutter Medical Group is recognized as a Top Performing Physician Group by the Integrated Healthcare Association, and Sutter Davis Hospital consistently ranks among the best places for families to give birth in California. Join us and enjoy an income guarantee with shareholder track, generous compensation and benefits including 401(k), advanced practice technology, and a positive work-life balance and Northern California’s natural beauty and lifestyle. For more information, please contact Krysta Burris, Physician Recruiter, at

CommuniCare Health Centers

We are recruiting a full-time, full scope CNM to join us at Communicare Health Center. We have several clinics throughout Yolo County and attend births at Sutter Davis Hospital. We have a wonderful team of supportive midwives and interdisciplinary staff serving a multicultural population. Spanish speaking ability and 2 years of clinical experience is a plus. We’re a longstanding midwifery group in Yolo County and are part of a nationally recognized, award winning CNM/OB collaborative practice model. Learn more and apply here.

Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente is currently hiring six (6) certified nurse-midwives in the Sacramento area and in Walnut Creek/Antioch.

Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health

The editors of the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health (JMWH) are seeking candidates for a Deputy Editor. The JMWH Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editors comprise the Journal’s senior editors who direct the content, focus, and strategic development of the Journal. To apply, please email a curriculum vitae and letter of interest to Melissa Avery, JMWH Editor-in-Chief Elect at with questions. For more information, click here.

Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing

AWHONN is seeking applications from nurses for the editorship of the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN), the term for which would begin in early 2022. JOGNN is the scientific journal of the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. The mission of JOGNN is to advance the health and health care of women, childbearing and childrearing families, and newborns across all settings through the bimonthly publication of peer-reviewed nursing and interdisciplinary scholarship. Applications are due by September 27 and should include the following:

  • A one-page cover letter stating your reasons for applying to the role and how your unique experience and vision would shape JOGNN under your leadership. The letter should also address your impressions as to the journal’s current shortcomings and strengths as a clinical research journal in AWHONN’s focus areas.

  • Current curriculum vitae (CV) or resume.

  • A sample editorial of at least 1,000 words or more that would serve as a model for how you would write for each issue of the journal on a topic of your choosing. In addition to the editorial, please include a list of at least three other topics about which you may want to write editorials during your tenure as editor.

  • Two published writing samples of your choosing along with your bibliography.

  • Three letters of reference: Letters of reference should address the author’s opinion of your abilities to serve as editor and shall be emailed directly from the letter writer to AWHONN Senior Director of Publications, Carolyn Davis Cockey, MLS, LCCE, at

All applications should be emailed on or before Monday, September 27, 2021, to AWHONN Senior Director of Publications, Carolyn Davis Cockey, MLS, LCCE, at For questions, call Carolyn at 202-261-1464.


Midwife Crush Mondays!

Do you know an amazing Midwife who is doing revolutionary work? We want to feature them on our social media platforms! CNMA is looking for submissions for our new social media series “Midwife Crush Monday” where we highlight the stories of trailblazing midwives across the industry who are making a difference in the midwifery profession. You can even submit yourself!

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Midwife’s name (include pronouns)

  • Affiliated organization(s)

  • Why you became a midwife (and anything awesome you’d like to brag about)

  • Headshot/Photo if available

  • Bonus: Please include social media handles for tagging!

Please send submissions to for consideration!


Questions? News? Want to get involved?

Email us at

That's all for this month's issue. Catch you next time!


Visit us at

This newsletter will be archived on our website at


The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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