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Register for the CNMA Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting with be held August 28-30, 2020

Early Birth Registration is OPEN

Hayes Mansion

San Jose, CA

Early Bird Pricing: $250

Tickets to Saturday CNMA Fundraiser: $75

Sunday Brunch: $45

All birth workers are invited to participate. Please reserve your room through Hayes Mansion. They are giving the board, and you the attendees a deal on room rates. Room Reservations: good through 7/30/2020

Will be offering two days of content, topics include:

Transgender healthcare continued

Medication Abortion Management updates

PreP/PEP evaluation and management

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Evaluation of Induction Methods and the ARRIVE trial

Sunday 8/30/2020: Me and White Supremacy kick off breakfast. $45, includes breakfast and the workbook and 6 weeks of a closed online group with guidance that will allow us to explore the ways our own biases perpetuate White Supremacy in our own lives, practices and the larger communities we live and work in.

Please email if you have information you'd like to present, skills workshop you'd like to run or are considered an expert on any of the following topics:

Reproductive endocrinology

Abnormal Uterine bleeding


PCOS management

Thank you and we look forward to serving our midwifery community with an exciting and informational annual meeting!

Jillian Cauley, CNM


LAO Report and SB 1237:

You have probably seen the recently released Legislative Analyst Report on removal of supervision for nurse-midwives in CA. While we do not 100% agree with all of the recommendations made at the end of the report, it is overall a positive assessment and any legislation regarding this topic will rely on the powerful findings of this report, which make a strong case for why physician supervision is unnecessary. We hope this will be a powerful foundation for legislative discourse about SB 1237. If you don’t have time to do a deep dive, at least look at the Executive Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion.

In terms of SB 1237, the Justice and Equity in Maternity Care Act, the future of the legislature is unknown at this time. However, it is hoped that there will be at least a smaller legislative package this year. CNMA is very grateful that Senator Dodd is committed to moving our bill forward and prioritizing this issue.


How you can continue to support SB1237 (Justice & Equity in Maternity Care Act) from home

As you may already know, the California Legislature is in recess until at least April 13th. SB 1237, the Justice and Equity in Maternity Care Act, was originally set to be heard in the Senate B&P Committee on March 30, but that has now been postponed due to the COVID-19 crisis and recess of the Legislature. We recognize that during these unprecedented times it can be challenging to find bandwidth for any extra tasks in your life. While we are not doing in person visits or gatherings to push forward our bill to remove physician supervision, the bill author’s office, our lobbyists and health policy team are working hard to continue to educate our legislators about the importance of supervision removal. If you have the time, please ask your friends and colleagues to send a letter to the Senate Business & Professions Committee in support of our bill. The links to the template letters are below, and include a template “outreach email,” letters for your MD colleagues, supportive organizations, fellow CNMs, and RNs or others individuals. Also included are fact sheets to help supporters better understand the bill. You can also find all of these letters and fact sheets on the CNMA website at: Once the legislature is back in session, things will begin moving quickly once again, so we ask that you send these letters of support as soon as you have a spare moment.


CNMAs welcomes our new RJ/AR Committee Chair and Co-Chair

CNMA is thrilled to announce the Reproductive Justice Anti-Racism Committee has chosen their new Chair and Co-Chair.

The chair holds a voting position on the CNMA board of directors. Both members will attend meetings with the Board of Directors to support CNMA in our aim to address structural racism within CNMA and develop and support opportunities to redress the harm caused by racism within midwifery and our larger community. You can see the current bylaws for the RJ/AR group here.

Please join us in welcoming Jyesha Wren and Ana Delgdo in their new roles at chair and vice-chair of the committee.

Jyesha provides full scope midwifery care at Highland Hospital in Oakland California where she is working, in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team, to develop a new program called BElovedBIRTH Black Centering: Group Perinatal Care by, for, and with Black People. She has written extensively on anti-racism and racism-based disparities. Check out her bio here to learn more.

Ana provides full scope midwifery care at Zuckerbug San Francisco General Hospital where she is the Assistant Director of Inpatient Obstetrics and the Co-Director for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for the UCSF ZSFG OBGYN division, where she is also Clinical Professor. Check out her bio here to learn more.

As a reminder CNMA is offering free membership to Midwives of Color

Participation by midwives of color (MOC) in CNMA is vital to the progress of midwifery in California and demands our urgent support. As a small gesture to encourage more MOC to join CNMA, CNMA is waiving the $200 California affiliate fee for new California members who identify as MOC and join ACNM & CNMA. CNMA asked ACNM to also support more participation of MOC at the national level via similar financial incentives and they have announced they will be offering scholarships for MOC in joining ACNM. So while new MOC members will still be responsible for a portion of the ACNM national membership fee under this

initiative, the California affiliate will waive the entire affiliate fee. This offer will be in effect for all of 2020 and may be extended pending funding. Of note, this offer applies to all MOC newly signing up, so even if you have been a member in the past but your membership has lapsed, this offer applies. Please contact our membership Chair, Emily Carter, at to receive your coupon code. ACNM will grant 50% off, then California will waive the remainder of the affiliate dues with the coupon code.


California Health Care Foundation: Health Care Leadership Program

California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) Health Care Leadership Program, is a part-time, two-year fellowship for clinically trained health care leaders serving communities throughout California. The program's goal is to improve the health of Californians by developing and sustaining a network of diverse health care leaders who will shape practice and policy within our health care system.

Learn more and apply here:

Application period: April 15 - June 12, 2020

Questions? Watch a short video about the program which includes interviews with current fellows at their recent seminar in Sacramento, visit our website, or contact us directly!


Educational Opportunities:


Legislature to watch for:

  • AB 732 - Accountability, Dignity, Safety. Reproductive Dignity for Incarcerated People Act.

  • SB 885 - Leading the way in expanding STD Care and Coverage for low-income Californians

  • AB 1973 - Equity in Access for All. Eliminating Financial Barriers to Abortion Services


A Message of encouragement

This was written by Dorothy James, the Administrative expert who assisted in the formation of the California Nurse-Midwives Foundation. It speaks to how we can overcome our fear and come together as a people in an unprecedented way. We can either let this beat us or we can beat it by deciding to be brave and shining above during this time. - Kathleen Belzer, CNMA President.

It is in times like this wherein we fulfill our purposes. The problem cannot be solved at the level of the problem but when we rise-up and shine our lights we will see that this is an OPPORTUNITY to perfect our being and TO TAKE HUMANITY TO THE NEXT LEVEL. I’m asking identify where you can assist family, friends, people and communities in need at this time... I have set forth below just a few opportunities that I see and I’m sure you can see even more and further with your talents and gifts.

Medical: The health care providers are being strained right now. How can we help with the crisis and/or help with organizing and assisting individuals with other health problems?

Education: Elementary, Middle & High Schools will be closed for the next many weeks. I am sure there will be a need to assist parents with connecting children/kids with their teachers and

lessons via internet, conferencing, etc. Can you create a way in which children can continue to learn through this challenge? Our children will learn how to deal with challenges such as this through the manner in which we conduct ourselves.

Food/Meals: How can we get healthy and fresh food to those in need and to those who cannot afford to stock-up and grab food and toilet paper off the shelves of the markets from everyone else? Essentially, please are grabbing more than their share of essential items. This attitude of greed is spiking its ugly head in every area of our existence. What and how can we help families, friends, and community?

Transportation: Uber and Lyft are overwhelmed - how can we help? During the bus boycott of the civil right movement, it was the community pulling together taking shifts to offer rides to those needing transportation to various places.

Spiritual/Mental Assistance: How about going online and/or sending encouraging messages that can lift people out of their fear.

Love and peace,

Dorothy James


Questions? News? Want to get involved?

Email us at

That's all for this month's issue. Catch you next time!


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This newsletter will be archived on our website at



The California Nurse Midwife Association (CNMA) is the professional organization representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives in the state of California.


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